Grish'nak Giveaway!


Grish's gud givawayz

Me hab tu mani shinies frum stoopid oomies. Me gut scamd frum oomie dat swutched shines fur silly papr. Me nub wunt papr but me wunt blud.

Me prefr blud tu shinies nuw am a uld urk

Da neks oomie tu klomp me gets tu hav stoopid oomie papr

*on close inspection, the following words are written on 'stoopid oomie papr'... 'Pay to the order of one million gold coins to__________' *



Grish will carry a book on him until he dies. Whoever kills him must loot it and take a screenshot of the body with their char in it.

I will not pay out to orcs on their alts for obvious reasons

The kill must be in the orc cave

If I don't like my odds in any given scenario. I will try to escape. I won't be making this easy for you so expect me to leg it if I think I'm in trouble. Also bear in mind where you attack. At level one entrance there is an easy escape.

If you wear an Orc mask during the fight it will prevent you from redeeming

If you kill as part of a zerg I withold the right not to pay, but I will pay out if outnumbered in what i consider fair circumstances.

Screenshots to be posted in this thread

I tend to play in EU hours. I won't be on all the time. The purpose of this is to give a little back and to generate some orc cave activity

If you survive an Orc attack and instead kill me, I will pay an extra 25%

I will also give out random prizes to those who put up good fights with any orcs during this period.


Hopefully I don't die on my first attack now! Har!
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I dared to enter Grish'nak's Grotto and I left with nothing but the taste of dirt in my mouth :D Best of luck to my fellow oomies - You'll have to fight well to take that top prize!


Lil spidey nurly eated us. Ut leest oomie gut a lil but of papr!



[100k of checks given out today. Come find us in the caves and you just never know what you might get!

Personal highlight was two tamers discussing orcs after being klomped. 'I love those orcs', says one 'they are true to their word' says the other, 'but I just want to gain skills in power hour'... I just had to give that newb a check! Hoowah!]
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An orc showed up when I was relearning the ropes yesterday and I recalled, usually I'll stay and fight em or offer em a tribute. I recalled out of instinct but regretted it after. Hey we have a "power hour"?