Flashing Screen Fix... want!

Kaydon Bhey

I am looking for a fix to my flashing screen, as it closes my Razor and UO Positioning windows gumps. Please assist!.. its MOST annoying! Thank you!


I think you need to run Razor as administrator and disable any visual effects. You'll find these settings by right clicking... properties then compatibility.

Kaydon Bhey

I think you need to run Razor as administrator and disable any visual effects. You'll find these settings by right clicking... properties then compatibility.
I have done as you suggested, and I do believe the problem is solved. Cannot thank you enough.. may you loot a billion gold off a mongbat!!!

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
I've used razor for years and recently made the switch to Steam and I like it, especially the map feature where you can find guild members without having to be in party. Macros are a bit more confusing but it's the same concept and since you can copy and paste them, friends can help you set them up.


I am looking for a fix to my flashing screen, as it closes my Razor and UO Positioning windows gumps. Please assist!.. its MOST annoying! Thank you!
Right click on the shortcut to razor, goto options, turn on comparability mode. I think xp is what you want. I can verify tonight if someone doesn't post the correct answer.