Fix Lumberjacking Gains past 105

Lumberjacking is ridiculous after 105. I thought something was wrong after not getting a single gain after thousands and thousands of logs, so after searching, I did find many people saying it took forever to get to 105.1.. So someone gave me a +1 scroll, which got me to 106.... Now thousands of logs later, I am still at 106.0.. What the hell? And yes I have room for skills, certain ones turned down, on show real etc etc.

Slick Brick

Lumberjacking is best done by fighting mobs with an axe, hitting trees for lumberjacking gains is like slamming your head against a wall to make your concussion get better.


Fairly sure that gains from combat against players or mobs stop at 100 - after that the only way is chopping wood or using scrolls.