Kenshin Battousai
Correct me if I am wrong... This whole idealistic belief on griefing is part of which generation? X Y ?? When i First started UO we had other things to worry about... dial up conneciton loss,<<< DSL<<< Cable << Server you name it. I do recall pks killing for loot. I do recall Traps being set to kill people off.... I do not remember in my Nostalgic memory of the classic UO I love to be a griefing<<< unless some form of scam was done.. yes but broken game mechanics? naw I remember broken game mechanics use to be fixed because they are what they are... broken. Griefing is something I just do not recall in my past. So I honestly would have to say that its either immaturity... another generation of gameplay<<< hence trolling lololol rofl << all that stupidity. So I am sorry if I am unable to compute. Like I said previsouly I care not for a fix or if it is a fix. Logically speaking... its broken cuz it is a negative act and its not being treated as one.