Fishing questions.

Mr Yuk

I just raised fishing to 115. Is my skill high enough to fish up anchors and other rares? Do I need to go into the whirlpools? Will the rares just drop in my pack or are they on monsters? What is the fastest animal in UO? And lastly should I fake my orgasms?

I look forward to your answers

Mr Yuk
While fishing a WP, there is a chance to pull up rares, which will pop directly into your backpack such as the Ancient Anchor. Sometimes you will pull treasure chests which are too heavy and will therefore land at your feet. Barnacle Ingots, used for Galleon crafting, are a rare drop (loot) on Deep Water Elementals. Deep water elems spawn at WPs but also spawn for MIBs and Nets. Any deep will do.

Most importantly, be on the lookout for Pirates and Scallywags of the most dastardly variety. They will take great pleasure in relieving you of any loot obtained whilst sending you to davy jones locker.


At 115, when you fish mibs, there's a chance you spawn Osiredon instead of a water ele, and often times you can loot a hook, an anchor or other similar rares on his body :)

From my experience it's around 2% chances to spawn it at that level, but it's just an approximative guess.