Change to Scan The Horizons back to the original settings
You might expand on exactly what you mean so others can chime in.Change to Scan The Horizons back to the original settings
I know what VVC did with the scan the horizons and what the players did .
I will have to disagree. Yeah in theory you can ask a bunch of people to log onto test center to try out something but in practice it doesn't work very well. Even though this is the largest populated free server it still doesn't have enough people that would be willing to waste their game time for a few days to properly test new stuff. Yeah you may get a handful to help for a short time but even something as simple as this cooldown debate is not going to really get quality data. A lot of it really needs to be discovered live and see how players react and adapt. I would not call this a botched change but just one that needs some more polishing. As long as they are willing to do the polishing it will be fine. If they are not then yes there will be a lot of stuff out of whack but in the last few months they have been pretty good about making small changes to things after they introduce a change to try to get it balanced.I have to disagree with there not being a good way to beta test these changes. Test center works just fine and could stand to be utilized more. This isn't the first time a change has been botched.