Slick Brick

This item will be up for auction until 1/29/2015 and if no reasonable offers are given then I will personally use this item. This is the very best relic and only one on server. aem is selling the worst one a.k.a. "sometimes get a mana shield" for 6m. This is a completely fair asking price but I will be happy to use it either way. Duck Face, tyler, you have already been warned to stop trolling WTS threads. Please stop.


I was searching for the meta definitions thread and rediscovered this gem. I know it's poor form to necro a garbage thread such as this, but I just gotta know...what ever happened with this relic and what ever happened to this Slick Brick guy?

I'm guess it was an alt forum acct but it's hard to say for sure. I assume he ate his ridiculously overpriced relic, but again it is hard to say what happened here.

Anybody know?

Duck Face

I was searching for the meta definitions thread and rediscovered this gem. I know it's poor form to necro a garbage thread such as this, but I just gotta know...what ever happened with this relic and what ever happened to this Slick Brick guy?

I'm guess it was an alt forum acct but it's hard to say for sure. I assume he ate his ridiculously overpriced relic, but again it is hard to say what happened here.

Anybody know?
He raged for a few weeks anytime he encountered me or my guild. We killed him several times a day at the arch demon and he stopped showing up. He ate this relic bc nobody was going to pay 10 mil for a relic nobody knew anything about. Haven't seen him in months.


I was searching for the meta definitions thread and rediscovered this gem. I know it's poor form to necro a garbage thread such as this, but I just gotta know...what ever happened with this relic and what ever happened to this Slick Brick guy?

I'm guess it was an alt forum acct but it's hard to say for sure. I assume he ate his ridiculously overpriced relic, but again it is hard to say what happened here.

Anybody know?

why do u pull up trash like this on the forums, come on bromista use ur head dude. stop doing everything you can to hurt the forums.


Lol poor famara. I'm not sure I've encountered someone with such a lack of self-awareness.

I weep for you.


Aww, my feels.

It seems to me like a small handful of people don't like me, while a vast majority of the players I have interacted with like me just fine.

Quit projecting, it's not a good look for you. Just faaaade back into obscurity.


Slick ate his relic and leveled it a good bit from what I remember. He has been playing Diablo 3 last I heard.

Duck-Face, not surprisingly you didn't do much to deter him because he got a Tread relic too, and we split a 120 Taming PS before he went inactive. His downfall was his poker addiction, lol.