So I was liking this game a lot, going here and there, exploring bits and pieces, collecting loot, etc.
When suddenly, I realized that I didn't have the upper hand in combat.
I was halfway down, poisoned and surrounded by gargoyles. My instant reaction was to run away, and cast cure while running, however the more I ran more monsters came after me, and my pitiful life ended with a mere fireball.
When I came back, all I had was a knife, some bandages, a shirt and some shoes.
This game is brutal when it comes to death! I was aware of it, but had no idea how it was like. I should be sad that I lost some good stuff (I had like 200 of each reagent because someone just dropped a bag with them on the ground, go figure), but at the same time I feel happy. Everyone should experience death at least once. UO's penalty makes WoW look like child's play.
Anyways, I'd like to start this discussion: How was your first death like? How did you feel like? Did you lose much?
When suddenly, I realized that I didn't have the upper hand in combat.
I was halfway down, poisoned and surrounded by gargoyles. My instant reaction was to run away, and cast cure while running, however the more I ran more monsters came after me, and my pitiful life ended with a mere fireball.
When I came back, all I had was a knife, some bandages, a shirt and some shoes.
This game is brutal when it comes to death! I was aware of it, but had no idea how it was like. I should be sad that I lost some good stuff (I had like 200 of each reagent because someone just dropped a bag with them on the ground, go figure), but at the same time I feel happy. Everyone should experience death at least once. UO's penalty makes WoW look like child's play.
Anyways, I'd like to start this discussion: How was your first death like? How did you feel like? Did you lose much?