First Death


So I was liking this game a lot, going here and there, exploring bits and pieces, collecting loot, etc.
When suddenly, I realized that I didn't have the upper hand in combat.
I was halfway down, poisoned and surrounded by gargoyles. My instant reaction was to run away, and cast cure while running, however the more I ran more monsters came after me, and my pitiful life ended with a mere fireball.
When I came back, all I had was a knife, some bandages, a shirt and some shoes.
This game is brutal when it comes to death! I was aware of it, but had no idea how it was like. I should be sad that I lost some good stuff (I had like 200 of each reagent because someone just dropped a bag with them on the ground, go figure), but at the same time I feel happy. Everyone should experience death at least once. UO's penalty makes WoW look like child's play.

Anyways, I'd like to start this discussion: How was your first death like? How did you feel like? Did you lose much?


I remember my first ever death. Was north of Vesper, in the woods. Was fighting a timberwolf. Someone called my house (dial up baby), I got dc'd. When I got back on, grey screen, no clue where I was. Much profanity ensued.

This was '98, 16 yrs ago.

Edit: now that you mention it, Violence, I think I did the same.


I died to a bird. I didn't start with 50 strength, so I maintain that the death was not that embarrassing.

Then I used the feature to resurrect on the spot, further making my character even more shithouse.


New Member
My first death came to me between the moongate and the town of Magincia. Halfway to town, I was surrounded by a group of reds and got hung in the thick forest and snags and watched them beat the life out of me. Later when I told my brother that I had been fallen by a pack of Pk's, And once he finished laughing at me, he informed me that nay, I had been slain by a few npc brigands.

Karl Sagan

Running through the woods killin ettins or something, see a guy comin the other way. I say 'hi' and he's like 'hey we should spar and raise skills here use this knife'.

It took embarrassingly little convincing to get me to flag on him, he switched to katana after first hit and promptly killed/looted me.

Yes I ran after him ghost cussing for like 5 minutes.


My first death was back on TAR (The Alter Realm). I had no idea what skills to pick so i had a a little in alot of skills...Someone took me to explore and we ran into a Giant Beetle...took me out so fast i didn't even have time to bandage. (still had no clue about macros, so i was dbl clicking and targeting manually). i rage logged cuz i lost a ton of tools, my full exceptional shadow plate armor and my exceptional bow and my horse.


2.3.1998 Vesper bank - Never follow someone naked on a horse saying: come with me I'll show you how this game works... :(


A LONG(16 years?) time ago, I had managed to not die for a few days because I talked to everybody at the brit GY(which was packed) and made lots of friends. They were extremely helpful and kept me from dying.
One day I double clicked a player to see what would happen and sure enough: I attacked him. Everybody within view jumped on my grey ass and downed me.
I mustve seen others die and lose their shit because I remember the horrible sense of urgency to loot my decaying corpse because I had either a full suit or most of a full suit of that crappy bone armor, but I think I just ran in circles oooOooooing until my corpse disapeared. I just logged out and made another character out of frustration.

Other big firsts that I remember:
Finding out why ghosts OooOooOo'd and why people would just mock me while I was dead.
What the system message, "being perfectly rested, you shove the person out of the way" was from. I'd always apologize profusely when it popped up, "oh jesus, I'm so sorry!"
Squinting HARD while trying to see inside of Despise. I farmed a lot like this.
First time getting guard whacked for looting a blue


First death: PK in Shame while farming elementals. I got lost, found the exit after a while, then I couldn't find a healer at all. I had no idea where I was or what to do. I didn't know people couldn't see what I was saying as a ghost, so I eventually rage quit for a few days, came back a few days later, and someone managed to res me near the entrance to some cave.. I don't even know which one.

That's when I started recalling to save my loot, and I farmed Shame for weeks, cuz it was the only place I knew, and I was too afraid of risking going anywhere else. I hardened up to UO after that first death almost instantly.

Edit: This was around 2000. I grew up with power hour, and quit around the time they changed it.

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First death was in the woods chopping trees and something got aggressive on me and I just stood there not have any clue what to do but then I instantly res and got killed again and finally ran into someone else that showed me the ropes... On this shard the only death that's really affected me was when I lost a full set of Slayer armor to PKS in shame but I just farmed enough gold that I broke even so I wasn't as upset as I would have been

Sent from Baja 1997 - ICQ 12013388


Dec 97, day one.

My first char had probably 25 STR. I walked out of the main Trinsic gate into the woods next to the city wall. Some guy was standing there, said Hi, and killed me. I was somewhat baffled.

Didn't take long to find a ghost who could tell me what to do. Trinsic was a busy town in those days.

OoOoo Oo ooOo

Smokey McCallum

My first death to a player was when someone at Brit bank said to me "hey, new player, you want some free stuff?" I happily said "yea thanks!". He then gated me to his house and proceeded to murder me ha. I was asking him why and told him I have noting with me but he still killed me. I had no clue where i was and it stopped me playing the game for a while because I had no clue how to get back to civilisation (brit bank). I eventually got back into the game though and on hindsight it was a good experience because it taught me that like in real life, people are dicks!! ha :}


Not a death but when I first logged on I went and bought all kinda junk off the vendors in Vesper (I was about 11 back then and spoke close to no english at ALL). I ended up fatigued and it took me around 3 hours to figure out what that "You're too fatigued to move" message ment. Good times.


My first death back in 98 on Atlantic can't member clearly but I was out west above maze killing some harpys and a gazer decided to take my like as I walked around saying "Ooooo oooOoooOo" to everyone I realized they weren't ignoring me but they couldn't read Ooooo Ooooo lmao I wondered around aimlessly until I found another poor chaps ghost to find out HEY the wondering HEALERS bring you back to life. You now have nothing and hope you remember where you died to get what hard earned junk you collected threw your journey


I have no idea how I died first time. Because I died more than thousand times from that first death.. When learning pvp as SOK knight, as miner to pks, godknowshowmanytimestomobs as some odd dexer, gwhacked so many times as thief before I noticed these shitty npcs can see through wall.. However I remember my first guy was a fisherman! Well, my first guy was a thief, but I never played him.


Strolling to brit graveyard which looked like a mini event was going on. It was very busy there. I stepped on someones house not knowing that I would be gray to them. This guy pulls out his Warhammer and the whole group of people decided to crowd around me so that I could not get away. At the same time, Mother is calling for dinner. First shot from the warhammer broke my chestpiece, second shot took me to the ground. I was so angry I yelled at my parents who were trying to feed me. This was probably my first RAGE moment in my gaming career. :)
My pops got me into this game shortly after it first launched. I started on Great Lakes in skara brae because he told me too. He helped me create a mage and warned me it would be hard to work up a mage as a first toon. Having no reagents, he told me to farm leather from deer. I take down my first feew hinds with little issue, cut the leather and sell it. Then I attempted to kill a great hart. Twas my first death. I was so mad. I raged as my father sat behind me laughing. Luckily it was right outside town so I got my stuff back. I later lost it all in despise.


My first death was in shame fighting a earth elemental because I lost connection. I was playing on dial up at that time.