FFA PvP Event Ruined By Exploiters Killing Players AFTER FFA Ends In Safe Zone and Dry Looting

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yes, it was

I don't know why you think this is necessary feedback. If you can't understand that this is a Bug to the event system, and that players purposely exploited it, then I really don't know how you have the mentality to play UO considering the detail of this game.

The topic is that this needs to be addressed in regards to the players that were involved, and that doing Nothing, changes Nothing. That's Chaos Theory. Google it. Allowing people to do this, and Rewarding them with peoples hard-earned items, and then telling the players affected to deal with it and move on?

Either way, this is not acceptable behavior, nor is it an 'aspect' of the PVP Event. Think clearly and with some regard to common sense.

As far as the response to this thread, its been great. Whether in support of my post, or even in response with criticism, 95%+ of it has been done with respect to that post and situation. Including coming from members of just about every large guild on this server. Most of whom do not get a long with the others. To see people read this post and respond with respect and logical reasoning is really something special. I appreciate everyone who has been in support, or replied with some logic on their opinion of how to handle the situation.


The topic is that this needs to be addressed in regards to the players that were involved, and that doing Nothing, changes Nothing. That's Chaos Theory. Google it. Allowing people to do this, and Rewarding them with peoples hard-earned items, and then telling the players affected to deal with it and move on?

Either way, this is not acceptable behavior, nor is it an 'aspect' of the PVP Event. Think clearly and with some regard to common sense.

it's an easy fix, i wouldn't worry too much about it.

And I'm still not convinced that the players were intentionally killing. Likely it just turned bad once people realized they could still fight.

My point is that there is a rule for staff barring them from replacing items. As I have also pointed out the staff has never claimed that your items will be safe.

Since it says right in the rules about items not being replaced, you would think being such an advocate of common sense that you would have tested to see if your weapons would be safe before bringing them. It's all on you, bud.


Staff member
We will get this fixed up, i think we will just place everyone inside britain bank when the events are done.


Warning to everyone being offensive and off topic. If these garbage derailment/forum pvp back and forths keep trickling out of the pvp forums and into the others, I'll have no choice but to ban those failing to comply. It is always the same people and you know who you are. Just don't be surprised when you wake up one day and can't get on the forums.
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