All of the talk about pvp related content, makes me wonder if there was a way to open up a statistical way to see the number of players who pvp. So, have three options: 1. I hate pvp and only pvm, 2. I only like to pvp and the only reason I play on uof, and 3. I will pvp, but rather not and do other things, such as pvm, craft, decorate. Would be interesting to see how things unfolded within the uof community because there is a constant debate that the server only targets the pvmers, but when things are implemented for pvp, people seem to complain. Just a suggestion and think it would be really neat and you could run it like a message of the day and only allow one selection per account. Not sure what people think - but that is my thoughts to have an idea about the community uof is working with.
I said something like this on Discord, but l figured I would open the idea to the forum community, as well and it might be a way for the staff to have a better idea of what type of players are playing. Just a thought...
Feedback? Thoughts? A bad/good idea?
I said something like this on Discord, but l figured I would open the idea to the forum community, as well and it might be a way for the staff to have a better idea of what type of players are playing. Just a thought...
Feedback? Thoughts? A bad/good idea?