

I've recently started training my Provo tamer and he is almost 7x and I was curious what you other Provo tamers farm an hour so I could have something to gauge where I'm at in my ability to farm lol


Just do your share of exploring dungeons. Mark every spot you think would be lucrative. Eventually you'll weed out the bad spots. I've probably rearranged my dungeon crawling rune books a half dozen times.
Destard 2, Deceit 5, Shame 5, Ice 3 are all pretty good.
Allot of people will recall to a spot and want to clear the whole dungeon. That's not the idea... you want to recall in, clear the 2 balrons (or whatever) and get to the next spot


For me it depends on how busy the high coin drop monsters are being farmed by others. Anywhere from 70k-100k+


Personally I see people claim 100k+ an hour, and I've never been able to do that... I can probably usually get about 50-70k. I'm not going to advertise where I hunt though because lucky for me it's fairly quiet. That's the other thing is consistency and not having to deal with PKs..