Farming Spots


Hi all,

I've been playing for about 6 weeks now and have only found one good area for farming (mainly through lack of time to spend exploring the map). I've pretty much given up on destard as I get pk'd everytime so I am looking for new solo spots.

My template is provo archer with 60 mage/40 med so can recall around. Also worth pointing out I'm based in Europe so I hopefully won't be stealing any spawn off you US players.

In the one spot I've got at the mo I can probably make 50k per hour but am getting a bit bored of the same spot! Anything that drops SS/sandals/rares would be good as well as magic items.

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to publicly reveal your spots. Goes without saying whatever is revealed to me will not be passed on to anyone else.


my best advice is to find a good rune library and recall to all the lich spots, daemons spots, and any other mobs you can handle. Mark those in your rune book and then recall around trying out areas, etc.


Thanks for the reply Strife. I will start putting together a farming runebook with some decent spots. Can you recommend a good rune library that has places marked that are mob specific as opposed to XX Dungeon Entrance etc?


I certainly can. I will even take you to one I use a lot. Let me know when your free in game and ill gate u there.


I understand your bored with your current spot, but 50k an hour is on the upper end of income if your just starting out. You wont find a whole lot of spots that will support that without having a tamer.


I realise the gps are good but its the additional loot that is scarce. There is hardly any SS that drop and I haven't had a t-map off the mob I regularly hunt for as long as I can remember. I have since found a couple of other spots that will keep me going for a while but they have a lot of traffic going through.
If it makes good money then it is already taken or reds will be there enmass.

If you are looking for scrolls then Titans in Despise is pretty good, but considering you will likely be competing for that spot no matter the time of day and groups of reds will run through every 5 minutes or so you might be better off just farming ogres and trolls in the forest for gold.

I agree with the poster above. Go to a rune library and mark spots where liches are. You can actually find them up a lot of the time and not camped and the reds don't go over there often, and if they do then sometimes there is only one red and you stand a chance as opposed to dungeons where you rarely see groups smaller than 4.