WTS Everything you need to make a Soulforge!


Im selling ALL the ingredients as well as the hammer to make a soulforge of your
very own.
I am asking 750k for everything. PM Krank #8633 on Discord

Ancient Hammer
2 Intact Dragon Hearts
1 Rikktor Heart
Soul of Harrower
Soul of Devourer
20 Dragon shards
1 Runebook Containing the Following:
Llwelllyn the Lirarian to start the quest
4-Runes to get the scrolls needed for Lywellyn

Place 2 Intact Dragon Hearts at the center of the forge
Place both Soul of the Harrower and Devourer into the forge
Throw the heart of Ricktor and the Dragon King into the forge from a distance.
WALLA... You now have a soulforge of your very own and very cheap too!

*Recipies for a Soulforge*
-Suit of Silver Armor
-Suit of Gold Armor
-Singing Crystal Ball

Usable Items
-Cannon (Can shoot two tiles away from the house)
-A Diminsional Archway (it allows u to go into your house without using doors
and teleporters)


Would you be interested in going down in price if, I were to bring some of the mats myself? (dragonshards, ancient hammer, rikktor heart, etc)


I have to sell it as a whole. I appologise. It has everything you need including a runebook marking the locations of the scrolls

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