Mica Robe Blessed 275k
Ouija Board Blessed (makes sounds and the colorful sparkle thingies) 500k
BoneSet Bench (seats 4) 200k
GargishBench (Seats 2) 200k
Water Elemental Statue (non blob) 500k
Wyvern Statue (only ever seen 2 on shard) 500k
5k Donation Coins - 200k/per or 5k /950k
Captain Cabin's Membership Card 200k
2x White Pointsetta's 200k/per
2x Red Pointsetta's 200k/per
9 yards Blood Red/90k
Commodity Deed Box 175k
Retired Bod Blue Sandals -unblessed 100k (matches dark blue robe and jester)
20k Donation Coins 200k/1k 1.95m/10k
Mica Robe Blessed 275k
Ouija Board Blessed (makes sounds and the colorful sparkle thingies) 500k
BoneSet Bench (seats 4) 200k
GargishBench (Seats 2) 200k
Water Elemental Statue (non blob) 500k
Wyvern Statue (only ever seen 2 on shard) 500k
Captain Cabin's Membership Card 200k
2x White Pointsetta's 200k/per
2x Red Pointsetta's 200k/per
Commodity Deed Box 175k
Retired Bod Blue Sandals -unblessed 100k (matches dark blue robe and jester)
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