EQMS Anniversary Contest - 1mil in prizes

Karl Sagan

250k gold for you if u share his PMs with all of us !

rofl yabacoons first post in the thread, classic

yabacoon do you use the forums search repeatedly to make sure you don't miss any mention of Lord Gluttony and EQMS, or is some kind of alert feature you have set up?

holy shitttt you are obsessed

freebase some yaba to mend your glass heart, then make some more posts about EQMS


This is my entry- in the form of a haiku

asks how his dick tastes
then confuses most players
by calling folks fags




I like being in EQMS because it’s the most active guild I’ve yet to play in. There’s always people in Mumble and the variety of things people do inspires me to play different parts of UOF. So I’m building characters and meta-pet to group play PvM, PvP, and PVE – which takes a long time. UOF is a game that takes a long time. Time usually dissolves guilds in my experience (TBH, !, Har!). But only if the guild leader quits playing UOF. TBH was going strong until the UO makers released that other game, called shadowsomething, with 3D graphics. Once that was released, our guild leader started playing that instead, and TBH died quickly. It’s pretty sad to see people hang on to the guild long after it’s gone. Our former city is a ghost town now, houses decaying, no one using the guild house. I am certain that if Glutt stops playing UOF, EQMS will be history in a month – that’s just how guild dynamics seem to work. So what I like about EQMS is that it seems Glutt has no intention of quitting, so maybe the guild will live for several years onwards, and in that case I’ll be able to complete the characters and training to participate fully in guild activities. There’s a longterm feeling about EQMS which makes me feel secure about my UOF future. :)

Also I like the colour purple for my dress and that Glutt has great (social) skills in interacting with his guild members. It’s not all guild leaders in UOF that possess social intelligence, hehe… I think we can all think of some…

Someone already posted the video, but I was gonna post this pic from it even if he hadn't:


Cam Newton


I envy the fact that players pay them a fee to join the guild. I wish I could convince people to pay me to be their "friends". I do like that 90% of the time when I am farming gold and get pk'd they rez me, unlike most guilds. I like that EQMS rustles Bobby's jimmies. I dont like how quickly they murk me exiting an RDA. I hope I win so next contest I will have another sentence to add.



Things I don't like about EQMS:
Sometimes they rustle my jimmies.
No not sexually @Deadpool.
Their ebolt rails hurt my wizard feelings. Just kidding true wizards don't have feelings.
Gluttony won't 1v1 @Skye Wolfbane in bomber man.
And last but not least, you guys stole derpwolf from me. FAK U ALL

Things I like about EQMS:
They say bang and people fall over
They keep Bobby pissed off which is funny

Here's a picture of Gluttony calling mid-fight:

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
I'm going to be boring and be honest. I know I suck.

Glutt is a genious at marketing. I have to commend him for his ability to create such a large guild and keep it active. I know first hand how hard that can be. I don't agree with his recruit everyone to hisside theory and feel his guild has been determental in some ways to the shard. But I also know a UO shard can't survive without risk, without all play styles. I just wish it would be a bit more balanced. However, I have seen more eqms blues doing champs and being friendly. So perhaps he's seen the light and is making attempts to have his guild more diverse.

He's always been polite to me, even when killing me. I know that makes no sense but it's true. I can't say the same for all of his guild. Good, bad, hate, love, EQMS is a part of this crazy community.

How I see Gluttony:


Oh god, earthquake meteor swarm.

If you are feeling down, or lonely, Gluttony will outsource his girlfriend to have NSA cyber relations with you.

Most of the guild members have a drug problem IRL (no hate intended).

In 2015 Gluttony paid the Nice Baby crew 5M to join the ranks of EQMS.

Once, after the crew 30v1 PKED someone and trapped their mare, using the tactics of the savior, I talked the newb into sending me $30 over Paypal to get their mare back.

The real reason EQMS has maintained long term success is because Gluttony has perfected his radio voice (you should fucking hear him when he is talking normal).

Sorry in advance for taking the prize away from the other contestants, but the Nice Baby squad is making a comeback, and we need that cash.

This is Gluttony and I partying back in summer of 2015. Your imagination can determine who is who.
