Eager Butler Suggestion


So you want a new type of butler that manages all of your plants assuming you give him the necessary resources to do so?


Or a butler that opens the door for you says Good day and hands you a sandwich after a hard day of dungeoning.


yes please a Florist or Botanist would be nice, waters and potions plants within 5 tile radius
I would argue that unlike merely restocking you, auto tending your plants is more than a convenience. The effort to take care of plants, give the the right potions and amount of water, etc is what growing plants is all about. Take that away and there is no game left in that area.


a magical man

it would take longer to stock than it would to take care plants any day lol just saying

1. Place Florist.
2. Florist has 7x7 tile Radius.
3. To use Florist you stock just like you would a butler.
4. You click Florist, then click Gardening button, Target plant that you wish to tend with potions and water.
5. Florist holds (Water, Plant potions, Dirt, and unique and odd seeds that seed boxes won't hold.
6. You still have to wait for plants to grow, this means if you miss a plant with your Florist it dies.
7. The Florist doesn't auto tend plants, you must use the florist to target a plant you wish to tend.


Regarding Butlers and plant-watering: I didn't make this suggestion with any forethought whatsoever. I've only recently worked out that Butlers don't do this. It was presumed by a friend of mine that this was one of the things that a butler does and we all instantly believed him.

I do like the idea of a dedicated gardener, florist or botanist. Tending your plants and harvesting their yields etc would be great timesaver. I fear halgyon has a point that it could be too much a convenience, though.

(But people are usually willing to pay good gold for convenience, right? Yey! Goldsink!)

What if your butler (or botanist) is only able to prevent a plant from drying out completely? This could come with room for uncertainty: Perhaps the butler is unable to tell whether a plant is slightly underwatered or severely underwatered - and may give too little or too much accordingly - or is prone to mistakes depending on the amount of plants on the premises.... etc.