Drop Healing for Provo?


I'm at 100 Provo now and was wondering if it's worth going to 110 with it? I almost never fail at it now but when I do it's bad... If I bring it to 110 I'll have to sacrifice something for the extra 10 points so would probably be healing down to 90. Barely use healing anyway and can always bring a few greater cure pots for poison, can still Rez at 90 too. What do you all think?


Once you eat a 105 provo PS your skillcap will go to 705
once you eat a 110 provo PS youre skillcap will go to 710, (same for 15 and 20)

if you find yourself needing to reduce a skill to raise another skill further, which skill to drop really depends on your build. What is your current skill setup?


I'm already at the 720 cap. I know everyone are haters on peacemaking but I use it far more than provo and it works really good for me so have it at 120 and don't want to drop it. My build is:

120 peace
100 provo
100 music
100 archery
100 tactics
100 anatomy
100 healing

I barely use healing, just if they cast on me before I get them peaced or provoked and if I can get my provoking chances better should reduce how much I need healing even more.


ahhh gotcha. yeah my suggestion woulda been to drop peace, but if it's workin for your playstyle then maybe you're right with dropping a little bit of healing :)

King Dingaling

what do u hunt..just dragons? i have 110 and have failed on shadow wyrms before...and i get the occasional fail on high end paragon stuff. but if u dont target that stuff then 100 is fine


A lot of blood, poison, magma eles, dragons, ogre lords, titans ect. Nothing super big and dangerous, mostly just in and out solo stuff. Sometimes bigger stuff with groups but not often.

King Dingaling

A lot of blood, poison, magma eles, dragons, ogre lords, titans ect. Nothing super big and dangerous, mostly just in and out solo stuff. Sometimes bigger stuff with groups but not often.
if u rarely use healing...which i dont see u stay alive but whatever works...i would still try to add 110 provo and drop healing to 90 then