Dragon Inspection Agency for Virtue & Valor.


Beginning in the new era of Virtue&Valor, all pet dragon owners/tamers will be required to undergo an inspection by the Trinsic Dragon health and welfare services department. These inspections are intended to ensure the health and welfare of Dragons throughout Britannia. Abusive treatment of dragons has come to light in which dragons are known to be exploited for nefarious and non-humanitarian reasons, that include but are not limited to, the systematic killing of these loyal pets to acquire the most powerful dragons. It has also been revealed that these dragons are frequently abandoned and sometimes released in places such as the Britain sewers and other undesirable locations.While it is understood that Dragons in the wild are dangerous creatures, they are sentient and, when tamed, become vulnerable to the actions and will of their owner. These acts have been determined by the Trinsic Guard to be inhumane and criminal, punishable by death and/or fines up to 300,000 gold.

Dragon inspectors are qualified specialists who will conduct a screening of a dragons physical and mental condition. Based on the results of that screening, the owner of the dragon may be required to answer questions about the treatment of his pet. Additionally, the dragon will be given vaccinations, an ear tag, and specialized treatments in the event of disease. The Trinsic Guard has prospered well during these times and is able to fund the overhead of this agency and its employees. However these inspections and services rendered are not without considerable expenses, and a fee will be charged to all Tamers as part of the inspection process. The fee will be 50,000 gold. Any tamers who have not scheduled an inspection by the coming of Virtue & Valor will be in delinquency and charged an additional 50,000 gold and seen as criminals breaking the law. No action will be taken against any owner of a Dragon who has scheduled an inspection prior to the new era.

Scheduling an inspection can be done through these boards by contacting myself or by contacting a member of the Trinsic Guard. You may also visit the Dragon Agency in person with your pets in the City of Trinsic. The inspection fee you pay covers the following:

1. Full dragon(s) physical/mental inspection 10,000 gold
2. Trinsic Guard tax 5000 gold
3. Dragon vaccination and disease treatment medication 25,000 gold
4. Ear tag and certificate of inspection 5,000 gold
5. Inspector's field service fee 5000 gold

Total fee for owner 50,000 gold.

We thank you for your time and support and look forward to providing the best service for your pets. Have a nice day.



I applaud you and your guild furthering their RP. I wish you luck and do not let these non-rp types fluster you.


You can inspect the inside of my Dragon...., after it burns you to a crisp and bites your head off for daring to extort its master.

Dragons are intelligent enough to know when they are being used for personal gain. I suggest you watch yourself or you could end up angering Dragons, and tamers.


my dragons gain from helping me as well. I feed them well and they get to do what they love, Kill things!

Perhaps I should have said using dragons for personal gain only.


Dragon inspections will begin on 12/30/13 and will be a one time inspection. To schedule an inspection please contact myself or a member of the Trinsic Guard. As a reminder, those who have not scheduled an inspection will be in violation of the ordinance put in place and be subject to additional fines and punishments. Any Tamer caught without an inspection certificate will be charged an additional 50,000 gold penalty and be placed on a criminal pet owners list. The names on the list will be attack on sight and possibly extermination of the pets. This will continue until the tamer complies. However, each violation committed by the owner will result in additional fines up to 300,000 gold.

We hope you take this warning as a courtesy notice and comply with the new law set in place.We thank you for your understanding and look forward to your scheduling of an inspection.
my dragons gain from helping me as well. I feed them well and they get to do what they love, Kill things!

Perhaps I should have said using dragons for personal gain only.

My point was that they'd do the same thing with or without your "help", hence why I say every Tamer is using Dragons for their own gain, but then again, I don't have a Tamer, so what do I know, right? ;)


I understand this is one of those noobie boobie RP posts..... but in all reality.... how many people are you expecting to actually pay for this.... and what about those who don't pay? you have a squad to start PKing and luring pets????? ijs.....


If you follow through and start doing PK runs to find those that didn't pay, then I approve of this idea.


Dumbest idea yet. The boats thing is lame and comical. This is just a desperate plea for attention and e-peen notoriety.

Even on a RP level...any tamer is already a veterinary. They can do this on their own practice. Would have been better off creating a Trinsic Vet College and registration.

Try and enforce this