As someone who plays "the UOF market" from time to time I can tell you that anyone who sold Doublestrike for less than 6-7 million has sold them self short. It is a sellers market when it comes to talisman relics because supply is low and demand is higher than ever. Everyone got to see just how potent meta dexers/mages can be in the recent vesper event and now everyone wants to have one. Furthermore, this beauty is the white buffalo when it comes to dexer relics. Look at Shadowy Disciple for reference. One recently sold for 4 million after it was hotly contested. A relic which a few weeks/moths ago would only sell for 1.5 - 2 million. I don't know if a SB of 8 million is the best tactic to drum up a large sell value but I wouldn't be surprised to see one go for that much in the near future.
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