Does Beekeeping work on this server?


I've recently bought a beehive and just wanted to play with it, but it doesn't seem like it's working correctly? I placed it on the same floor as I have some full grown plants and some plants that are in the process of growing, and the gump tells me it's not near enough flowers to colonize the hive? Also, it's sitting next to a water trough, and it says that it doesn't have any nearby water sources available?


I think you need an actual pitcher of water. The flowers also have to be real, to my knowledge, but I could be wrong. In short, apiculture/beekeeping does work on the server. Other than beeswax and honey collecting, though, I'm not sure of the extent of its rewards.


I think you need an actual pitcher of water. The flowers also have to be real, to my knowledge, but I could be wrong. In short, apiculture/beekeeping does work on the server. Other than beeswax and honey collecting, though, I'm not sure of the extent of its rewards.

I have pitchers of water, and have tried to select the gump for it like you do with plants, but it doesn't accept it. If you click the ? gump it says that it requires a water source (like water around it or something?) Also, I do have live plants sitting right next to it...


Beekeeping works just fine, not sure how you can make any gold off it.

Get one pitcher of water and you can use decoration plants. Make sure everything is right next to the beehive.

Jax Monroe



I was reading online that you can use a wax tool to craft things like wax statues.

Basically you harvest the honey and raw wax, melt it into pure wax, then use the wax tool to craft the wax statues and such.
This article references using a "wax tool," does anyone know if wax tools are obtanable on this server? If not then beekeeping seems pointless if you can't use it's resources?

That has nothing to do with UO Forever


Ah fuck, realized that wiki was for some other server... Do we have any kind of craftables we can make with the purified wax?