Dirty looting blues - How do people loot so fast?


As promised here's my ahk code

; Heres how this will work, you hover your mouse over the item you want to move to the inventory(Point B) and hit the Home button on your keyboards, it will then drag the item to the inventory and return the mouse to where you hit Home at(Point A)

Msgbox, Please hover your mouse over where you want the items to be dragged to and hit F12...

!F12:: ;Hotkey to set Inventory position
MouseGetPos, InvX,InvY
Msgbox, Inventory Position Set

Send, {Shift Down}
sleep 50
MouseClickDrag, Left, %itemX%, %ItemY%, %InvX%, %Invy%
sleep 50
Send, {Enter}
Sleep 50
MouseMove, %ItemX%, %ItemY%
Sleep 50
Send, {Shift Up}


Send, {Insert}
sleep 1200000
Send, {Numpad3}
sleep 10000
Send, R
sleep 10000
Send, {Numpad4}
Pause:: Pause ; Assign the toggle-pause function to the "pause" key...
F11:: Pause ; ... or assign it to Win+p or some other hotkey.

I won't get into the ins and outs of using Autohotkey or macro programs in general (if you're familiar with the code in UO Steam it works similarly), but you will need a copy of AUTOHOTKEY for this to work. Download Autohotkey, open up a new text document, copy/paste and save it as whateveryouwant.AHK (the .ahk is the important part, otherwise it will save as a text file), close, load the script and follow the onscreen instructions.

FYI this isn't my code, my coding skills are mediocre at best, but necessity while playing good games with shitty UI/control schemes has gotten me fairly familiar with the basics.

Again, all this does is move your mouse from 1 point to another. No autolooting, auto-fighting, it won't make you a PvP god or help you in the bedroom, etc.

What a great idea!!!


I couldn't get yours to work but i got this one to work:

IniFile := "C:\loot.txt"
FileGetSize, size, %IniFile%
if (size = "") {
MsgBox Setting up
IniWrite, 1081, %IniFile%, Loot, xdest ; --- destination x pos
IniWrite, 783, %IniFile%, Loot, ydest ; --- destination y pos
} else {
IniRead, xdest, %IniFile%, Loot, xdest ; --- destination x pos
IniRead, ydest, %IniFile%, Loot, ydest ; --- destination y pos
CoordMode, Pixel
$+Lbutton:: ;quick loot -------------------------
MouseGetPos, x1, y1
MouseClickDrag, left, x1, y1, xdest, ydest, 3 ;0 is mouse speed, 0 is instant
MouseMove, x1, y1, 0 ;0 is mouse speed, 0 is instant

$!Rbutton:: ;loot destination ---------------------
MouseGetPos, xdest, ydest
IniWrite, %xdest%, %IniFile%, Loot, xdest
IniWrite, %ydest%, %IniFile%, Loot, ydest

The above script saves the coordinates of your 2 destinations (current position, loot destination) to a file it can read from.

Pressing Alt-RightMouseButton sets the location for the loot to be drug to. It can be a paperdoll backpack, a position in a characters inventory, or a container.

Pressing Shift-LeftMousebutton will drag whatever is below the cursor to the loot destination location, drop it and return the mouse back to where it was when you initially clicked.

TO USE: Simply paste the code into notepad (after you've installed AHK) and save it as a name you want .ahk to save it as a ahk file. You can then run it by dbl clicking it, or compile it into an .exe if you need to run as admin.

SOURCE: http://www.simplehotkey.com/faq/index.php?action=artikel&cat=3&id=3&artlang=en
As promised here's my ahk code

; Heres how this will work, you hover your mouse over the item you want to move to the inventory(Point B) and hit the Home button on your keyboards, it will then drag the item to the inventory and return the mouse to where you hit Home at(Point A)

Msgbox, Please hover your mouse over where you want the items to be dragged to and hit F12...

!F12:: ;Hotkey to set Inventory position
MouseGetPos, InvX,InvY
Msgbox, Inventory Position Set

Send, {Shift Down}
sleep 50
MouseClickDrag, Left, %itemX%, %ItemY%, %InvX%, %Invy%
sleep 50
Send, {Enter}
Sleep 50
MouseMove, %ItemX%, %ItemY%
Sleep 50
Send, {Shift Up}


Send, {Insert}
sleep 1200000
Send, {Numpad3}
sleep 10000
Send, R
sleep 10000
Send, {Numpad4}
Pause:: Pause ; Assign the toggle-pause function to the "pause" key...
F11:: Pause ; ... or assign it to Win+p or some other hotkey.

I won't get into the ins and outs of using Autohotkey or macro programs in general (if you're familiar with the code in UO Steam it works similarly), but you will need a copy of AUTOHOTKEY for this to work. Download Autohotkey, open up a new text document, copy/paste and save it as whateveryouwant.AHK (the .ahk is the important part, otherwise it will save as a text file), close, load the script and follow the onscreen instructions.

FYI this isn't my code, my coding skills are mediocre at best, but necessity while playing good games with shitty UI/control schemes has gotten me fairly familiar with the basics.

Again, all this does is move your mouse from 1 point to another. No autolooting, auto-fighting, it won't make you a PvP god or help you in the bedroom, etc.
What happened to UO?


For some reason, my "Drop what you're currently holding" doesnt work in Razor. Keeps saying, "You are not holding anything". ...when I clearly am. How can we properly use this?


It only looks like you are holding something. The client doesn't see that command so the graphic gets stuck. Just pick up something else.