Did you nab my viking sword?


To the thief who nabbed my silver vanq +25 viking sword: Congrats on a great steal. I loved that sword; would you ransom it back to me?
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To the thief who nabbed my silver vanq +25 viking sword: Congrats a great steal. I loved that sword; would you ransom it back to me?

It is posts like this which actually restore my faith in the gaming world. Instead of screaming for nerf, screaming that thieves suck and completely ruin the game or threats of leaving the server, we have a lovely post which congratulates the thief and a polite appeal on the possibility of reacquainting with the sword. I'd give you a hundred likes if it were possible as you Sir, are an inspiration!

Please contact me about ransom.

And if you thought the post couldn't get any better, this comment right here has just added the icing on the cake. No stupidity, no piss take, no elitism, just a simple post with contact details on how to reacquire said hot property. You Sir are a true thief and should be congratulated on your approach and attitude regarding this. +100

See folks? Players can be civil, even when faced with circumstances such as the one provided above.