Dexxer Assistant (2h weapon/shield) Bandages and Pots need tweak...


Hello Scripter,

I copied and pasted some scripts to one and now I need help for a potion check. If I have no pots it spams object not found and now I would need a check if no potion avaliable it should only uses the bandages and ignore the pots. Possible? Other tweaks are welcome...

OK, now with pot check...thx @Young Star

Attention: This works for PvE and real PvP Noobs like me who would get away from bad boys --> sometimes!!! :p:rolleyes:;)

Designed for looping it...

If you have a good con, you can drop pause maybe to 600 or lower...check it out! :D

// choose 2h weapon or shield
if not @findalias '2hWeapon/Shield'
promptalias '2hWeapon/Shield'
// bandage script
if not timerexists 'Bandage Timer'
createtimer 'Bandage Timer'
settimer 'Bandage Timer' 10250
if poisoned 'self' and timer 'Bandage Timer' >= 11000
waitfortarget 1500
target! 'self'
settimer 'Bandage Timer' 0
if hits < maxhits and timer 'Bandage Timer' >= 10250
waitfortarget 1500
target! 'self'
settimer 'Bandage Timer' 0
// potion script
if not timerexists 'Heal Potion'
createtimer 'Heal Potion'
if stam < 30
// Refresh potion
if findtype '0xf0b'
clearhands 'left'
pause 1000
usetype! 0xf0b
pause 1000
equipitem '2hWeapon/Shield' '1'
headmsg 'out of refresh pots'
if hits < 80 and poisoned 'self'
// Cure potion
if findtype '0xf07'
clearhands 'left'
pause 1000
usetype! 0xf07
pause 1000
equipitem '2hWeapon/Shield' '1'
headmsg 'out of cure pots'
if hits < 60 and timer 'Heal Potion' >= 10250
// Heal potion
if findtype '0xf0c'
clearhands 'left'
pause 1000
if usetype! 0xf0c
settimer 'Heal Potion' 0
pause 1000
equipitem '2hWeapon/Shield' '1'
headmsg 'out of heal pots'

Maybe a job for @Experience :D
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Young Star

Just add a if findtype '####' above where you disarm. Just use object inspector to find the graphic ID to replace the #. You can add an else headmsg 'out of ### pots' after the line where you re-arm. Just remember to add another endif to close.


@Young Star

Like this:

if hits < 80 and poisoned 'self'
// Cure potion
if findtype '0xf07'
clearhands 'left'
pause 1000
usetype! 0xf07
pause 1000
equipitem '2hWeapon/Shield' '1'
else headmsg 'out of cure pots'

Do not work... :(


Hello Scripter,

I copied and pasted some scripts to one and now I need help for a potion check. If I have no pots it spams object not found and now I would need a check if no potion avaliable it should only uses the bandages and ignore the pots. Possible? Other tweaks are welcome...

// choose 2h weapon or shield
if not @findalias '2hWeapon/Shield'
promptalias '2hWeapon/Shield'
// bandage script
if not timerexists 'Bandage Timer'
createtimer 'Bandage Timer'
settimer 'Bandage Timer' 10250
if poisoned 'self' and timer 'Bandage Timer' >= 11000
waitfortarget 1500
target! 'self'
settimer 'Bandage Timer' 0
if hits < maxhits and timer 'Bandage Timer' >= 10250
waitfortarget 1500
target! 'self'
settimer 'Bandage Timer' 0
// potion script
if not timerexists 'Heal Potion'
createtimer 'Heal Potion'
if stam < 30
// Refresh potion
clearhands 'left'
pause 1000
usetype! 0xf0b
pause 1000
equipitem '2hWeapon/Shield' '1'
if hits < 80 and poisoned 'self'
// Cure potion
clearhands 'left'
pause 1000
usetype! 0xf07
pause 1000
equipitem '2hWeapon/Shield' '1'
if hits < 60 and timer 'Heal Potion' >= 10250
// Heal potion
clearhands 'left'
pause 1000
if usetype! 0xf0c
settimer 'Heal Potion' 0
pause 1000
equipitem '2hWeapon/Shield' '1'

Maybe a job for @Experience :D

Do you mean to use this as one script or several?
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@MZ3K one script, why?

The script is working but if you have no pot it spams "object not found" and loop disarm and rearm, it should ignore there are no pots like --> if no pot goto next... :D


I had the same question because using it altogether seems to limit your ability to play. It is much better to have most of these as separate macros.

I used one like this for a while, but it has a few draw back.
For starters, if you use it for cures and bandages (presumably you would) if you get poisoned in the middle of a bandage application, then you restart the bandage when you go to cure again. But my bandage timer or conditional statement might have been broken, so maybe that was a problem with my macro in particular.

The other one is timing. Without a 1000ms delay after each action the macro trips all over itself (a 600ms works sometimes, but not reliably). If you really need a refresh pot (for example), it can be a long wait until you chug that one.

IMO, these are really useful for players getting into PvP for the first time but they make it hard to be better than average.


@MZ3K one script, why?

The script is working but if you have no pot it spams "object not found" and loop disarm and rearm, it should ignore there are no pots like --> if no pot goto next... :D

Yeah you can do something like this.

set weapon
set shield
if paralyzed then use explo bag
end if
if less than full health, then apply bandage
end if
if less than full health or less than buffed stats or poisoned then unequip something
if less than buffed str then drink str pot
if poisoned, then drink cure pot
if less than full health then drink heal pot
if less than buffed dex then drink dex pot
if less than full stam then drink stam pot
reequip thing you disarmed
end if


Then it doesn't unequip your weapon over and over.

In any case, unless you have it on loop - which is unnecessary and inadvisable - you shouldn't get the object not found spam.
So auto cures are okay now? The fuck kind of noob shit is this?
Hot-keys for life, man.

Put up the bandage counter, and have hot-keys for arm/disarm right & left hands.

Scripting this is against the rules anyways isn't it?

@eppy @Shane @halygon
Does it really matter? It's not like this script is gonna suddenly make someone l337 that is not.

@MZ3K one script, why?

The script is working but if you have no pot it spams "object not found" and loop disarm and rearm, it should ignore there are no pots like --> if no pot goto next... :D
Just put a @ in front of the findtype to hide the system messages.


Does it really matter? It's not like this script is gonna suddenly make someone l337 that is not.

Basically that.

Plus this thing chugs through materials fast. On this server the winner is often determined by who runs out of gear first.

All this is gonna do is save him from having to worry about the game and the location of the keys while he's getting used to PvP. Eventually he's gonna want to assign things to their own hotkey.


My point is not that it will make some one good, my point is it's against the rules.

If I'm wrong that's one thing, but saying something against the rules is okay because it's effect is negligible is just not solid ground from which to hold a point of view.


Attention bad english incoming... :D

@Rikket_The_Rogue before you calling staff in my thread it would be better you read the rules --> before posting. If this would be not allowed all posts in this forum (macros) need to be deleted. All I do is copy and paste some code snippets of this forum to one together. Using tools like easyuo are not allowed or automated afk gathering and taming. Please stay away from my thread if you are not interested in helping tweak the code. Btw trolling threads is not allowed by forum rules for you information.

Ok now it is time to stay at topic!!!
Attention bad english incoming... :D

@Rikket_The_Rogue before you calling staff in my thread it would be better you read the rules --> before posting. If this would be not allowed all posts in this forum (macros) need to be deleted. All I do is copy and paste some code snippets of this forum to one together. Using tools like easyuo are not allowed or automated afk gathering and taming. Please stay away from my thread if you are not interested in helping tweak the code. Btw trolling threads is not allowed by forum rules for you information.

Ok now it is time to stay at topic!!!
He's referring the first line underneath the PVP rules section I believe.


Hot-keys for life, man.

Put up the bandage counter, and have hot-keys for arm/disarm right & left hands.

Scripting this is against the rules anyways isn't it?

@eppy @Shane @halygon
Technically speaking you are correct although it is a grey area because of the actual rule verbiage, however we have re-written the rules (not yet posted - soon though) and minor technicalities like this are no longer a concern. You can do a lot with macros, but the original intent of that rule was not to stop macros like the one in this thread, but really to stop automated (bot like) PvP. We have taken a different approach to it as staff, and you will see that in the upcoming rules.
@GoD PaRtiCal rofl. I'm going to assume you've never pvp'ed against anyone that isn't complete garbage without a Zerg behind you after that dumbass comment.
Think it would help your case if I was a member of a zerg guild like you? I don't think you have a clue who I am.

If you think some little heal macros are gonna make someone a good pvper, then you may want to just stick to something else and leave pvp to the big boys.
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ton loc

Think it would help your case if I was a member of a zerg guild like you? I don't think you have a clue who I am.

If you think some little heal macros are gonna make someone a good pvper, then you may want to just stick to something else and leave pvp to the big boys.
If you think an auto cure doesn't help pvp, then congratulations. You're a fucking idiot.
If you think an auto cure doesn't help pvp, then congratulations. You're a fucking idiot.
If you think an auto-cure script is gonna help you in pvp, then you as dumb as your posts. I'd expect more from someone as "l337" as you.

I find it hilarious to watch dumbasses auto-pop cure pots when you hit a poison on em. It drops their cursor if they ready to sync and generally screws with them.