Despise Entrance 11x7 - SOLD


It's back! I took the first auction down as I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep this sweet spot for myself but I think I wouldn't make proper use of it, so its back on the market!

Starting Bid - 300k
Buy Out - None in mind
Minimum Bid Increment - 50k
Will accept donation coins at 170k per 1k coin
Auction will run for a few days. If bidding goes quiet then I'll close the auction. If there are still a few parties interested in a few days time, then I'll close the public auction and invite bidders into a private conversation.
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that's as big as the plot will get? looks like more room there for a bigger plot... that's a nice location btw


@Babethoven As mentioned by @Kiki, that's the maximum size. It can be rotated to be 7x11 too but no bigger by my attempts. I tried, with very sweaty palms, to resize several times. At some point a GM turned up disguised as a turbo-charged farting rabbit. I thought I was hallucinating from the stress of delays between placement attempts! :D


Having said that, D-Wade did mention that there was once a large marble house there - I guess the placement rules were different in the early days!

Will close the public auction tomorrow - Get your bids folks! :D


Public auction closed. Giving previous bidders a little longer as they have not yet logged in today.