DC on world saves while using WTFast

Anybody have any ideas as to why this might happen? I used to use lowerping and have never encountered this issue before. WTFast has a much more significant effect on my connection and I'd really like to keep using it but disconnecting every world save is a real killer... also lowerping doesn't seem to do much if anything on sallos which is the client I spend most my time on.

I tried both Sallos and UOSteam and both of them disconnect on every world save with WTFast. If there's any information I can provide that might be helpful for figuring this out please let me know. Thanks
dont use WTFast for a 15 year old game? i looked up wtfast was, and it seems something that was never ment to integrate with ultima online,, i could be wrong...


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I don't feel like starting an argument in a thread where I'm looking for some help but honestly posts like this are just a +1 post count, please refrain from replying to this thread if you have absolutely no idea about the topic at hand like the aptly named "AssHat" above. Thanks.