Connection Question for All


As some of you may know from me selling my houses yesterday, I'm moving this weekend. At first I was positive I'd be completely without Internet until I could pay the little over 10k they want to bring it down the driveway, but now it looks like I can get satellite Internet that has a limited data plan with free access Midnight-5am (woohoo) while waiting to get the good stuff back.

That data plan comes with speeds of 12Mbps, so my question is this: How many of you have such speeds, or lower, and how much lag do you tend to experience doing what sort of things?

Obviously only having unlimited access from Midnight-5am reduces how much I can play, but if it's not going to be a lagfest it will be easier to view it as better than nothing. :)



lmao lmao lmao 12mbps?
Rofl. (note, not picking on you, just saying, I wish I had 12mbps)

I'm capped at 2MBPS with 2 people in the house constantly streaming video and a third half the time streaming.
And I play two UO clients with that.

I don't lag bad at all - I get a ping of about 25-100ms usually, and on sucky days in which I get less than 1mbps, I sometimes get a ping of 200-400. Rarely I get a horrible ping of 700-7000ms, but it has happened. That's days that suck for everyone though, usually.

I'm not joking either, I have shitty internet. We are capped at two megabytes per second downstream and one megabyte per second upstream. My mother streams netflix all night, my father watches videos, I stream skype video and teamspeak and two UO clients.
I dont have too bad of internet. So unless you're doing crap to the side - downloading updates, movies, streaming, etc... you should be ok.

(watch someone else come in here like, it can't be done. Come to my house darling, come to my house.)


Snarky response, but I like it. I've always had the fastest possible and, while I was positive low internet speeds could run it (since I played the original on dial-up during the days of Compuserve with kbps as my speed), I couldn't help but be paranoid lol

Thank you :)


Read the fine print man. Its more than likely "up to" 12mbps. Depends on equipment, whos all connected, alot of factors. Also i would check regularly for what ur upload/download speeds are


It is "up to" but with a minimum of 8mbps, so I'll still be good :) I do plan to check it regularly, though. Appreciate it :D


Yeah i just know alot of people dont check that so when me and roomates were paying for like 22 or some crap we ran speed tests and was times we only got like 3. After like callin em out 5 times and them saying its fixed or they didnt know what was wrong come to find out it was modem
The ping is important not the bandwith. Heck how u think ppl played that 15yrs ago?

Ping and amount of hops u need from server to ur house.

Gesendet von meinem Nokia 6610 mit Tapatalk


Bandwidth is always important man. If you dont got it you aint doing crap online lol. Leastwith multiple entities
Todays bandwiths, even small ones, are way better than 10 yrs ago. We are talking of an ancient game here. U experienced the times with dial up connections?

Gesendet von meinem Nokia 6610 mit Tapatalk