client crash when recall


Last mounth I have had a lot of crash in different situation but in this last week my UOF client crash 2 time on 3 when I cast recall and target my runebook. I run under window 7 dp1 with windowds XP sp3 comp check. Someone of you has this problem too? Thanks


I've been having this happen to me ALOT. When I recall out of my runebook, the recall sound effect will loop, my toon doesn't recall anywhere and my client freezes.

After that I'll reload the client immediately with no problem at all, I'll be wherever I was recalling too. Usually a dungeon, in which case I'll be dead.

If someone has an idea on how to fix this, that would be great. It hasn't put me back any gold or caused me any major problems. But it happens to me once every five recalls at the very least. A guildy told me it happens to him alot to, another told me it only happens to him when he gates.