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Young Player Help
"Seriously, at this point in our server life-span, i don't understand how you (few) people can question our additions. If we didn't know what the hell we were doing we wouldn't be here today straight up. We aren't idiots, and we wouldn't add things that would kill us obviously."

Wow, could you be more delusional? You are here because UO is an amazing game, not anything you have done. You guys are completely clueless and do more harm than good with most of these changes. So you are straight up wrong...

Again, why are you not grateful to the people that make the server possible, the players? Why just insult them? What use do you even have for the server? Adam does the programming, what does Shane do other than troll the servers, insult players, go on power trips and threaten/ban people, and live his life (without a job) being supported by the players that he is here insulting. Wow, what an entitled ass.

Server lifespan? Most people come, play a month or two, and you drive them away. This server could be so damn amazing if you folks were more competent.

Please just go away. You were banned several times for being a complete dickhead. Looks like things never change, do they?

We have done something right here. We've been #1 for 2 years. I am not saying it is 1 or 2 people's efforts. It is because of the great and loyal community we have built here. To say what you are saying is just wrong. If it were so easy, every shard would be successful. However, no one has matched us in 2 years. I truly believe we have done something right here and no one is going to dissuade me of this notion..

Anyways, I am too tired to argue with you about it. As you have been banned from the forums 3 times now on 3 different accounts for your poor behavior, I've taken the liberty of permanently banning all of your in-game accounts. Have fun with wherever else you decide to hang your hat. You are not welcome here any longer.
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10K dono seems fair, refund on anyone who bought for 25k, and put them on for 10k
OR, make it the SAME butler, for 10k and the one for 25k isnt a "butler" but its a stone u double click? possibly a PW guild stone or some sorta hued coloured trammy shit, that makes the 25k worth buying.

or give it a similiar feature like i seek forgiveness, when u say the magic words it teleports u to your guild stone and res's you, you can only do it as a ghost as many times as u want, have rings on the dono vendor to link your charcters to the stone then u guys can sink more dono to wipe off shard
I as well as many others would like to get a butler due to its incredibly opportunity to advance pvp capabilities in reference to speed. This gives a clear advantage to anyone who has access to it. Having said this, they cost 25k donation coins which is a crazy 4.5 mill. Very few people can reasonably afford this, especially pvpers. It seems unfair to give a distinct pvp advantage to certain pvpers just because they are rich as hell and have all day to play UO. Thoughts? If you agree please support this thread! Would like to see a price reduction!

I'm a pvper, i don't/can't play UO all day and i have a full time professional career, yet i can afford the "crazy 4.5mill" without even putting a dent in my UO bank balance.

Maybe learn to play the game before you create a whine thread.

In all honesty, i don't see the big advantage, unless you're lazy as shit. I have 11 pks, all of whom are always 100% stocked. My castle also has a kick ass, easy to read layout to restock, that is just balls deep crazy!

I haven't bought a butler, but probably because i use magic ar, along with running heaps of different templates, meaning i really need like 5 restock options:

- heal/anat/stun mage
- alchy stun mage
- alchy dexer
- pvm tamer
- pvm bard dexer

All 5 have completely different item counts on them.


Please just go away. You were banned several times for being a complete dickhead. Looks like things never change, do they?

We have done something right here. We've been #1 for 2 years. I am not saying it is 1 or 2 people's efforts. It is because of the great and loyal community we have built here. To say what you are saying is just wrong. If it were so easy, every shard would be successful. However, no one has matched us in 2 years. I truly believe we have done something right here and no one is going to dissuade me of this notion..

Anyways, I am too tired to argue with you about it. As you have been banned from the forums 3 times now on 3 different accounts for your poor behavior, I've taken the liberty of permanently banning all of your in-game accounts. Have fun with wherever else you decide to hang your hat. You are not welcome here any longer.

Hear, hear!

Can I have his stuff? :p

Vic Rattlehead

Please just go away. You were banned several times for being a complete dickhead. Looks like things never change, do they?

We have done something right here. We've been #1 for 2 years. I am not saying it is 1 or 2 people's efforts. It is because of the great and loyal community we have built here. To say what you are saying is just wrong. If it were so easy, every shard would be successful. However, no one has matched us in 2 years. I truly believe we have done something right here and no one is going to dissuade me of this notion..

Anyways, I am too tired to argue with you about it. As you have been banned from the forums 3 times now on 3 different accounts for your poor behavior, I've taken the liberty of permanently banning all of your in-game accounts. Have fun with wherever else you decide to hang your hat. You are not welcome here any longer.

IDOCs incoming!


Balls deep crazy?

Tap that you only need to restock two chars, a dexer and a tamer.

You're not really a part of this discussion anyway, which is weird for someone who is here participating. Shit, flubes input has more weight than yours and he typed about five whole words.
Balls deep crazy?

Tap that you only need to restock two chars, a dexer and a tamer.

You're not really a part of this discussion anyway, which is weird for someone who is here participating. Shit, flubes input has more weight than yours and he typed about five whole words.

I have many templates, the fact my dexers kill your tamer solo without blinking is laughable and shows your lack of any skill or thought process.

I was told magical dragon is your friend irl? if so, no wonder he gets so upset upon death on his blue factioner ganker that he feels the need to instant stat when he gets a zerg kill.

FYI, last time i checked, tamers who cast recall upon the sight of a red and whom only carry 50 ea reg and an instrument don't need a butler, gtfo of this thread ya shitty newb, im sure @Messremb can take you as another young player under his wing...


If we do go the route of a cheaper butler, I am sure we would be willing to offer some sort of compensation.

As usual , Adam is a nice n reasonable person ! He always trys to make everyone happy

Can some of the assholes lurking in the forums pls stop pissing him off ?

Personally , i think the butler should be increased to 100k dono .

If you want extra benefits , PAY FOR IT !



You sound like a sheltered idiot.

You do realize that there are people out there that make a lot of money. While $200 may be a large investment into a video game to you or to me it may be the equivalent to purchasing a cup of coffee to someone else.

Also consider the people that only play this game as their form of entertainment. Instead of going to the movies every weekend and out to dinner they put that money towards their preferred form of entertainment, UO:F.

It's all relative.

And frankly no one gives a flying fuck what you condone or condemn.

signature field is blank

words of wisdom ! thumbs up !

HEY R.E.D , i have one advice for u which is - SHUT UP


thks and have a nice day !
Shard Overlords,
Please don’t cave to jealous, basement dwelling trolls. The butler provides only a minor convenience which can be easily replicated in several other ways, thereby negating any true gameplay advantages. Succumbing to their demands will only open the floodgate to further pissing and moaning about every other high end item out there or in future development.

It’s no wonder shard GMs burn out on these servers all the time… Bunch of grown men pulling a Veruca Salt, making demands and stamping their feet like spoiled children.

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there was no bitching at the beginning of this post, it was merely a poll of the people to see what people thought. You 'people' who have gotten aggressive with responses have made this a tirade. the only reason it was done in this fashion is because I paged in privately and was told if I wanted real changes to occur, that I need to post on forums and get public support. So maybe it is all of you who need to grow up. Its called politics, and voicing one's opinion would be considered freedom of speech. It was only upon being bludgeoned that I retaliated with even remotely aggressive words. And even then, mine pale in comparison to some of the aggression received throughout this post. And as I stated, in 630 days on this shard, I have a total of 150 posts. So do I really ***** all that much? NO. Quite the contrary, I simply use this forum to sell goods from time and again, and ONE TIME have decided to seek change on an item of utility priced outside the reach of many. Could I sell something and easily afford this? YES. But it's not just about me, its about everyone. There are a ton of poor and up-and-coming players on UO that would take countless ages to afford such nice item to have. Something that makes you, and I quote SHANE "Less likely to hit the X." So if you have constructive arguments against this view, that is great, but if all you have are aggression and shit talking, then you are a standard UO player.

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
I think this has gone on long enough. There are other threads with some suggestions about the Butler that are more on topic and less whiny.
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