Change pet bonding.

TheFallen said:
Mage is not supposed to be mandatory for any build. eliminating warrior tamer, no good. End thread.

Now, that's something I can agree 100% with.

It's also a much better way to express one's argument than "OMG! You don't know what it's like to play a Tamer, so you have no business voicing your opinion. Don't nerf my Tamer, I worked hard to have the best template in the game! WAH! WAH! WAH!". Someone should be taking notes...

Thank you.


"Although plenty of people kill tamers, I have a hard time with it, and therefore demand they be nerfed until they are easy enough for me to personally PK."

The general philosophy behind trammel was that the less "thrill seeking" players in the game wanted things to be catered to their desires; they wanted things to be easier for them which can obviously go both ways. Catering to the PK/killer community is just as "trammel" as catering to the PVE community..

A lot of the suggestions I see in this forum seem to based entirely on arbitrary ideas.


As a non Tamer at the moment, but a miner/crafter. This FUBARs a lot of folks who use bonded pack horses to travel and collect materials efficiently. I don't have the magery to gate, i've got enough to recall fairly effectively, and i take my pack horses with me to collect ore, logs, etc. This change basically cripples many resource gatherers for a minor issue for PKing on Tamers.
+1 a hundred thousand times.

im tired of hearing people with tamers complain about possible nerfs, when they know well and dandy they are OP to begin with. i agree with original post and original post only. it is logical for you to have to gate pets instead of them instant-transmissioning like goku to the bank when you recall. ive always thought this is how it should be.

cry more bitches.
Mage is not supposed to be mandatory for any build. eliminating warrior tamer, no good. End thread.

why not dude? if you want to cast spells, you should get some fucking magery.

if i want to tame animals, ill have to get some fucking animal taming.

if i want to stab people, i need fencing...

the list goes on and on. even for you crafters who say it hurts you too because you dont have enough magery to gate...

get more magery. its useful. get inscription. make gate scrolls.


While we are at it lets turn off the thing that auto fills tamers packs with gold wherever they are. oh, and make it so they can take damage like normal players. that way tamers will be on the same level as everyone else.

lol you people.


the only thing that scares me is if im fighting say an ancient lich. and am half lifed by it a tamer can recall in and vaporize me. but most tamer ive encountered haven't done stuff like that:)


LOL, maybe when you finish you tamer you will understand. removing pet recall would drastically reduce the income of tamers. and there was some definite QQ about how hard tamers are to kill in the OP.

Running on foot through MOBs has to do with the difference between other classes and tamers. They have difficulty with that, other classes do not, thus why they recall everywhere.

this is the 3rd such post I have seen regarding pet bonding and asking for it to be nerfed also read the original post. it mentions removing pet bonding.

your post about condescension is rather hilarious when one looks at the irony, well done. :lol:

I have had an archer bard but I dropped him once I finished my tamer. on an archer bard you can run to different locations in the dungeon. tamers can try but will have major issues getting around junk MOBs. and if your archer bard is making half what my tamer does you need to learn better farming spots. I made almost as much with my archer bard as I do now.

with a proper understanding of how pet control works and the right circumstances (most times you find a tamer in a dungeon are the right circumstances) it is not that difficult to kill a tamer. there are plenty of PKs out there already who do it. Just cause you don't know how does not mean we need to make it easier for you.

my last comment was sarcastic... I guess you missed that.

With inflation running like it is, doesn't it make sense to restrict the amount of gold flooding the market due to the sheer amount of tamers out there raking in stockpiles of gold?

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i think its fine how it is. i like original game mechanics, too much tweaking leaves us playing a different game that we call "UO"

if YOU are having a problem killing a tamer, it is YOUR fault, not the tamers. try playing on a char with magery and cast some ev's..



Agreed. Get rid of it. I have some arguments but everyone has heard similar arguments before. There's no new logic in this thread (sorry to disappoint). I dislike the way it is, so I'm voting to change it :)

If anyone is curious, take a stealther to the shadow wyrm in Destard and hang out for 30 minutes. Watch how many tamers recall in and out with 2 dragons like the blink of an eye. Maybe it's the old school UO player in me, but it just seems silly.


1. Eliminate mana useage for recalling if a player has pets.

2. Make recall non-disruptable.

3. ????

4. Flood server with gold.

Problem solved, the rich get richer and the poor get their asses in gear and make a tamer so they can farm with the only PvM template that takes more than 12hrs to finish. That'd really light a fire under the asses of every trashbag provo mage out there, wouldn't it?
1. Eliminate mana useage for recalling if a player has pets.

2. Make recall non-disruptable.

3. ????

4. Flood server with gold.

Problem solved, the rich get richer and the poor get their asses in gear and make a tamer so they can farm with the only PvM template that takes more than 12hrs to finish. That'd really light a fire under the asses of every trashbag provo mage out there, wouldn't it?

not sure if serious or troll...


LOL of course I'm not being serious!

There are benefits and drawbacks with any template. Except tamers of course, no drawbacks there. The game just shits gold and valuable items in your pack and you don't even have to lift a finger, it's pretty bitchin'.

Again, I kid. This is a silly thread so I thought I would contribute the only way I know how.


The basis for this suggestion is basically "I want it to be easier for me to kill people." I think it's unwise to cater to the demands of the PK community. There's no statistics to go off of, there's no testing, there's nothing. There's just arbitrary opinions. "I think it should be this because i'm a tamer!"

"I think it should be this because I'm a PK!"

Well, me personally, without having any numbers to go off of, I think the important thing is to keep in mind that if things are too easy for PKs, PVMers will quickly be over run. If PVMers stop having fun, they go away, and in my experience, population declines snowball pretty damn fast.

It's important to regulate the amount of PKs you have running around at any given time because there's a fine line between "exciting" and "frustrating," and frequency is a sure fire way of crossing it. One way of regulating that without making gameplay tedious with boring things like statloss is by limiting the PK community to the skillful. The harder it is for them to get kills, the less of them you'll see, and the closer you'll be to the "exciting" side of the line, instead of the "redundant, and infuriating" side of it...

If you're a PK and you're mad because you're having a hard time killing tamers, my suggestion would be for you to get better at being a PK, instead of demanding that the mechanics are changed to cater to your specific playstyle. Play a faction/war character instead of a PK for a while, and get some more practice... then graduate to a PK later.


Bromista what have you done!!! I thought it was an understood rule that you never speak of the blessed tamer item that produces 100k an hour and random SSs, magic items and rares. now all of them know...

at least you didn't tell them about how it makes you invulnerable to damage and can be used to insta kill anyone.



I don't think "I" should be able to kill a tamer on a dexer. I think anyone should. I don't want Tamers nerfed. I just want bonding removed because it makes them even easier than it did before. If a tamer is smart they should be able to kill anyone solo. I don't believe they should be able to recall so quickly with their pets. There is no weakness to a tamer.


If tamers, as you put it, should be able to kill anyone solo, then why don't you play a PK tamer?

Also, if you remove their ability to recall with their pets, then all you've done is create a system in where they're easier to grief and annoy.

While I'm all for a sensible level of thrill derived from the danger of thieves and PKs, nobody takes any pleasure in dealing with brats and trolls... It makes absolutely no sense what so ever to cater to a play style who revolves around ruining other peoples experience by simply being annoying, and wasting their time.
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