Champ spawn


If you are invisible during a champ spawn but kill nothing when it is over do you get any power scrolls?


No. There's a "point system" that's hidden. Based off damage. Lower tiers worth less points, higher tiers more.
Champ itself being extra.
Direct spells/melee etc net 100% points.
Archers get 60%? (unless it was changed, memory is fuzzy been a while since the change.)
Tamers get like 40% of their hirelings damage, the same goes for summons ie: daemons/ev's/blade spirits.

When the champ drops, an instantaneous "lottery" is done, people with most accrued points have the highest likelyhood of landing one of the 3 scrolls.

You can theoretically hit the champ ONCE, and do no other damage and get a scroll. Very unlikely, but it happens.

Moral of the story, work the spawn, better chances at a scroll.