Lord and Savior
Yet again ignoring the facts that were stated in both of my posts.Wong, No one cares to work for it? Coming from the person who wants to wait 2 hours and let a group do the *work* for him so he can come in and rape/pillage all the loot at the end? Instead of you know having to *work* for it by raiding a few times instead of just once at the end? I do not mind pks, hell I love the rush you get when one pops up. But champs being the way they are now are no fun for anyone other than most the pks that raid them at the end.
So again, you want easy mode and then try to use that excuse on PvMers who just want a FAIR chance because they are not pvpers. Funny. Easy mode for you and pks alike is fine, easy mode for anyone else... PFFT FUCKING TRAMMYS. Even though the idea the areyoukidden came up with is no where *easy* mode.
Reading comprehension: 10/10