Cartography Treasure Map


Hello guys, just a general question, I noticed the other day when I accidentally double clicked a treasure map on my mage that his cartography went up. The map didn't disappear it just said that I failed to decode it but skill still went up. Is it possible to just get a lvl 5 map and GM cartography like that? or will the map disappear after a certain amount of tries.


If you have enough cartography to attempt the decode you will gain on failed attempts. However eventually you will decode the map and will need to start another or make maps. Decoding in dungeons is a good way to gain this skill just be wary of pk.


If your asking if you can just get a lv 5-6 map and keep trying to decode it from 0 skills the answer is no. If the map is to high for your current skills you will get a message like "You fail to make anything of this map" or you have no chance of decoding this map or some thing like that. It's been a long time since I GM Cart but I think it's the same.

Dwyane Wade

No you can't GM by just attempting to decode a high level map. If it's too high of a level it'll tell you you can't attempt to decode it. If it's a lower level you may get a couple gains but eventually you'll successfully decode it and can no longer gain from it. The best way is to gain Cartography is to get some blank maps or blank scrolls and attempt to make maps, preferably in a dungeon :cool:. This process however will only take you to 99.5. From there you would have to attempt to decode high level maps to gain. Orrrrrr, you could just lock your skill at 99.0 and use a skillscroll to GM it!


If I remember correctly I just sat at the bank and made world maps to 99.5, them decoded a few level 5s and I was GM.


Sweet thank you guys, yeah I noticed now that even though I'm not high enough (by like 5%) I can still decode it after a few attempts. I thought it would just keep failing until I got to the certain level. Drats.