Cartography and Item Identification


1.what is minimal cartography skill to decode all maps up to level 6?

2.what is minimal Item Identification skill to identify any item? even if it fails sometimes.

I'm trying to figure out a great template for a solo treasure hunter. Open to template ideas.


Wiki says 70, I'm assuming that is show real, 50 is what i use for id, lay something over all items like a hally or black staff and when it pops through it is id'ed. Some fails but works with minimum points used.


How much detect do you really need for it to work well in dungeons, I have GM and it is great but would really like to free up some points to get cartography to 70 s real.


I can decode every Tmap with 67% carto (show real).
With 30% ID you can ID everything, but sometimes you need to do it around 10 times to get a success.


thank you everyone totally appreciated.

just to clarify

1. 70 cartography to decipher all maps

2. 30 ID for everything with occasional fails. or should it be 50?


I have a character specifically set to ID and sort items, If you'd rather save those points for something useful (like Magery), I'd be willing to lend my services and ID your loot at either a per item rate or flat rate. :)


70.1 is the actual carto needed to decode all (fake, not real). I'd recommend ID being on a different account than the one doing the cartography, treasure hunting. That way he can be running ID and sort macros on another client while you are tmapping, otherwise there are long boring nights of ID and sorting in your future.