Capture the flag

Dwyane Wade

It's a game. There are 4 teams, all different colors, with corresponding flags in their base. The object of the game is to capture opponents flags by taking it from their base and returning it to yours

Edit: pvp is allowed, and encouraged
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Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
It is but you don't lose anything if you die. You can make different templates to use during CTF and other battles and it doesn't matter what your character's normal skills are.

This is how you set up templates, then make sure to go you [uof options and make sure you uncheck disable templates and disable equipment. Then when you get a gump for CTF just hit accept and you'll be teleported to the gaming area. There's no risk. Just fun! Play around with templates. You don't have to empty your backpack either. Everything will be safe.


Besides being able to set templates, you are given supplies (but not weapons) for the fight, too, so even if you are brand new you can participate!


There are statues you get as rewards for certain achievements, such as top heals, top damage, most flags captured, most flags defended...