Can´t see some of the menues



I am using the client with Razor and Windows 10. I have the problem, that I dont see any menues. If I am at moongates, I cant see the city names. Also the house menues are not complete and the house placing tool only shows the max lock downs but not the dimensions of the houses.

Client also crashes regulary and flashes sometimes.

Can anyone help please?


Did you use the ?
Are you running everything as admin, and did you make sure to download all the custom files? (which are from the launcher above)
sounds like could even be something with the font colors and hues of the text or the menu/gumps? It really sounds like you are using one of the other clients. It is so confusing!
If you are not using the beta launcher above, I would suggest just delete your UO client, and start from scratch. Make sure directx and everything is up to date. Hope it helps.


Thank you for your answer. To resolve the problem I had to swich my computer to english language and keyboard. Its a little uncomfortable now because I am not used to english keyboard.