Bulk Regs: Cheaper if Vendor Purchased Then Player Purchased


Generally, it seems like reagents go for 30,000-50,000 gp for 1k of each reg.

Vendor Prices for 1,000 of each reagents:

Garlic - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Ginseng - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Nightshade - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Sulfurous Ash - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Black Pearl - 5gp = 5,000 gold

Spider's Silk - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Mandrake Root - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Blood moss - 5gp = 5,000 gold

Total: 28,000 gold for 1k of each reagent.

I wouldn't mind purchasing reagents from players if they sold it for 30k. Any higher and you would be getting ripped off. I don't think the convenience of purchasing 1k reagents from players rather then traveling to purchase them from vendors justifies such an inflated price.
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Then buy from NPC? Why would you invest that much money for such a small return on investment with the risk of being stucked with em since most people buy directly from NPC?


Generally, it seems like reagents go for 30,000-50,000 gp for 1k of each reg.

Vendor Prices for 1,000 of each reagents:

Garlic - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Ginseng - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Nightshade - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Sulfurous Ash - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Black Pearl - 5gp = 5,000 gold

Spider's Silk - 3gp = 3,000 gold

Blood Moss - 5gp - 5000 gold

Mandrake Root - 3gp - 3000 gold

Total: 28,000 gold for 1k of each reagent.

I wouldn't mind purchasing reagents from players if they sold it for 30k. Any higher and you would be getting ripped off. I don't think the convenience of purchasing 1k reagents from players rather then traveling to purchase them from vendors justifies such an inflated price.

You forgot two regs up there. If someone is running a merchant and nothing sells then you better believe they will either lower their selling price or close up shop. Goods are worth whatever people will pay for them and a good merchant will tune his prices to achieve the sell through rate they desire.

If things sell too fast and you can't keep the vendor in stock that isn't good since people will stop checking your vendor if you are always empty. So you raise your price to slow things down. If things sell too slow and all your profit is getting eaten up by vendor fees then lower your price to account for this.

Also you need to account for a players time. Farming the reagents, stocking the vendor, advertising, ..etc all take time and you need to make sure you are charging accordingly or you might as well just farm monsters with that time.

So if you are saying that your time for all that work is only worth 2k gp per 1k of each reg then I encourage you to open up a reagent shop and sell at only a .25 gp markup. My time however is worth much more than that.


Then buy from NPC? Why would you invest that much money for such a small return on investment with the risk of being stucked with em since most people buy directly from NPC?

Yes, I buy from the NPC. Not quite sure what else you're implying.....I won't be 'stuck' with them since almost all my characters use reagents.
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You forgot two regs up there. If someone is running a merchant and nothing sells then you better believe they will either lower their selling price or close up shop. Goods are worth whatever people will pay for them and a good merchant will tune his prices to achieve the sell through rate they desire.

If things sell too fast and you can't keep the vendor in stock that isn't good since people will stop checking your vendor if you are always empty. So you raise your price to slow things down. If things sell too slow and all your profit is getting eaten up by vendor fees then lower your price to account for this.

Also you need to account for a players time. Farming the reagents, stocking the vendor, advertising, ..etc all take time and you need to make sure you are charging accordingly or you might as well just farm monsters with that time.

So if you are saying that your time for all that work is only worth 2k gp per 1k of each reg then I encourage you to open up a reagent shop and sell at only a .25 gp markup. My time however is worth much more than that.

Understandable. Yes, I actually left out blood moss and mandrake root. However, a 40-50k price for bulk reagents, in my opinion still isn't justifiable when they can be purchased for a lot less from vendors. I agree with you regarding price adjustments required by players.

My intention was to show people the difference once the actual prices are calculated. Bulk regs, unfortunately, seem to have an arbitrary value set by most players.


What I meant is you can buy from NPC if you wish to save time, or from players if you wish to save time. Selling regs is risky because you might not sell them fast, it requires a big investment and the profits are low, even at around 40k for 1k of each.


Understandable. Yes, I actually left out blood moss and mandrake root. However, a 40-50k price for bulk reagents, in my opinion still isn't justifiable when they can be purchased for a lot less from vendors. I agree with you regarding price adjustments required by players.

My intention was to show people the difference once the actual prices are calculated. Bulk regs, unfortunately, seem to have an arbitrary value set by most players.

Welcome to a capitalist society comrade. /sarcasm

All sarcasm aside the price of goods are whatever people are willing to pay for them. People are paying for convenience with reagents and each player will make a judgement call on how much their time is worth. If you are poor or just starting out your time is worth less and the markup on goods has a larger impact on your limited funds. If you are an established player then the markup is negligible.

For example my 7x GM tamer uses 50 of each reagent per hour for my farming runs. Those farming runs net me ~30k in just gold, about 5k in gems, and about 10k in items per hour (some people make much more). So that is 45k gold earned with 50 of each reagent. So spending 50k on 1k of each reagent means nothing to me since that is equal to 20 hours of farming or to put it another way 900k in gold. My only other expense is bandaids for these farming runs. At this stage of the game my time, probably, is far more valuable in game than yours. So paying players for items that I could gather myself makes sense for me but doesn't for you.


I sell bulk regs on my vendor. I make a small profit that is probably not even worth my time but I also sell other crap that makes it worth it.

I spend a lot of time recalling around to npc vendors buying up regs, and most of the time they have only 40-80 of a reg in stock.

Anyone who values their time in terms of gold is better off buying their regs in bulk through a player run vendor rather than deal with the stock issues of npcs. You'll notice that you might end up with 3000 mandrake root but only 500 black pearls, or other imbalances that end up wasting your time.

Considering how much gold you can make farming, it's stupid not to buy bulk regs, period.