Bulk Order Deeds?


How does one go about finding these? I clicked on blacksmiths in almost every town, but none of them had that option on the menu.

It seems without doing Bulk Orders it would be really hard to make decent gold from mining and smithing. Is that right, or am I missing something?



For smith bod, you can sell one iron ingot at a time till a bod is offered, this is the cheapest method.

For tailoring, you can sell sewing kits.

The idea is to sell something that they will always buy but is cheap and takes low effort to make/acquire.


Is there a minimum skill level required to receive the BODs?

And when I sell ingots one by one to the vendor, how will I know a BOD is available? Do they say something out loud, or do I have to keep clicking the context menu on the npc?

Also I thought I read something about only getting one BOD per x amount of hours based on skill level, like one per 6 hours at GM but but less at lower skill levels. I'm just starting out so I'm still in the 50s, how often can I receive a BOD at this point?

Thanks for the replies halygon and malkraven.


Going off memory from years ago, but he/she (the NPC smith or tailor) will say something to the effect of: "Bapes, can you fill this order for me?" and open a new window where you can accept or decline the BOD.


You can check when u can next get a BOD from the left click context menu. ( left click NPC Bulk order info)
you can get bods starting at 60.1 i belive( not 100%)


While we on the BOD topic... is there a bonus/advantage to combining them? Or it just clear up clutter?