Brit Healer Ankh


Am I crazy, or did there used to be an Ankh at the healer in brit (across from the new player Inn)? Seems like it was removed.


Not for reds.

Deadpool: "Insert smart ass comment here"

Oh, my bad, I forgot reds should be able to have some easy thing and not have to deal with being red in some fashion. Right, it's only trammies that have things easy for them.

Was that smart assey enough for you? Because I can fuck with you harder if need be.

Easy Cheese

Oh, my bad, I forgot reds should be able to have some easy thing and not have to deal with being red in some fashion. Right, it's only trammies that have things easy for them.

Was that smart assey enough for you? Because I can fuck with you harder if need be.

Almost. Not your best, but it'll do.

So, just fair warning. I like my fuckings with to be extra hard. Not sure you're up to it.


Almost. Not your best, but it'll do.

So, just fair warning. I like my fuckings with to be extra hard. Not sure you're up to it.

Don't you fucking ever question how hard my fuckings are. I just can't even- I mean how could- how dare you, sir.


There's an ankh in front of the inn and a tiny bit to the east, pretty much right there.. isn't there?