BOD Timer bug?

I am not sure if this is intended or not. But as a young player i am not allowed to see the timer for Bulk Order Deeds. I understand that most people are unable to obtain the deeds by the time their young status is up so it may not be an issue to them. However i think it is silly that i have to give up the protection just to see a timer on my next deed availability.


What happens when you check the bulk order deed status? Also what level is your characters skill?


Also, if you turn in a bod when you have one available before receiving it your timer is reset as if you received one...

P.S. wtf r u worried about young status 'protection' on a crafter build? Young status is for introducing players to the game with less risk to get accustomed to the environment...................
yea but i don't understand why that message is given? i thought it was supposed to be the timer given. and that was the npc with the Bulk order thing on them


The message says a bod may be available in X hours I've never seen anything different here but I'm newer into running these
This message appears over the NPCs head not bottom left of the screen. The message " A bulk order deed is now available" is the only message that appears in the bottom left.


Dude if I were u, I would jot down the time everytime I get a new bod. Hell, tbh I always type out the exact time I receive a new bod. Then I know what time range i will be able to get another one :)

"Naked & Fearless. ...and my fear is naked!" - MJK


And don't turn in a completed bod before grabbing your new one or it resets the counter for some reason and you have to wait up to 12 hours for your next one (time waited + reset 6 hour clock)


Tbh by the time this thread is done you shouldn't even be a young status anymore and also why the hell does it matter???? Young status is a one time thing and is not indicative of your career on UO. Youre not going to be a 'young' crafter for very long in the first place. Just mark the time you get your bod and move on. Get over it already hs
tailor or blacksmith shouldnt matter, the option should be there for those like me who enjoy providing their own weps and armor for their chars