BOD Cloth Refresh


We haven't had a cloth revamp in almost two years. We had cloth added with the first expansion. My suggestion is to take away cloth. Two cloth hues per tier and rotate them every quarter or every six months. This will add a bit of rarity to the abundance of cloth we have now and keep crafters interested.

Bod cloth for faction members only. Two cloth hues or maybe even one hue that can only be accessed from turning in bods with a crafter.

Ancient sewing kits would increase the rarity of high end powerscrolls.

Crafting powerscrolls should only be dropped through crafty means. If you want that carp 120, better make some crafters and start grinding.

BS bods are really the only system that I see as being done properly. I can come up with ideas all day. I've been doing so for years. No one ever listened and nothing was ever implemented. The issue we have on this server is spreading staff too thin so I've tried not to bust balls. Just kinda gave up.


How about only being able to collect one Tailor and one BS BOD per account during the time limit instead of per character? This'll cut the stacking of BOD runners.

Agree that crafting PS's should only come from crafting. This would mean making BODs for other crafting professions which would be awesome.

Eliminate some of the old, less-used BOD cloth colors and replace them other more desirable rewards. No idea what the rewards could be, but I know that 4 shades of greenish BOD cloth is not desirable.

Make Clothing Bless Deeds only come from Tailoring BODs. Remove them from the donation vendor. Could consider adding the sash/sandal/layering deeds to BOD rewards and removing them from donations, too, but that may cut into the bottom line.

There are some cool banners available to the server, along with tapestries and rugs. Introduce those are BOD rewards instead of just the Flowered Tapestry and Stretched Hide. Same with the same old boring brown/polar bear rugs.

Variety is what will drive this market and the changes should reflect that.

Making the change to one BOD of each type per account will reduce the number of BODs available to each individual. Improving the rewards will introduce more players into the market - some that may have not participated before. This generates a sub-community, creates value for individual BODs, and gives crafters new reasons to do more than hope they get a high-end BOD only. It'll also diversify the crafters - some may only choose to specialize in Carpentry/Fletching, others may choose Smithing/Tailoring, some may choose them all.

If we could talk quality of life for a second, though... I'd love to see two things. The first - can we PLEASE collect a BOD via context menu instead of selling one item at a time to get them? Zzzzzzzzz. Second, which may not be possible, but is there a way that we can see what BOD something is by single-clicking it instead of moving it to our pack and double-clicking? I know the AOS version of BODs have the highlight-menu that appears on mouse-over, but it would be nice to be able to store them in bags when organizing and be able to see what they are/what pieces you need without packing them or putting them in a book and then in your pack.

@eppy ily.


I sure hope that's not all you took from my idea :<

People will get mad at anything that changes. They'll get mad that they can't have more than one BOD guy per account, mad that they can't guaranteed get a polar bear rug, mad that the lid to their sippy cup came off.

But they'll adjust.


The selling thing makes it much harder to automate.

I'm all for one bod per account but people will freak.

Colors could use a refresh but it's harder to pick hues than you think.

I'm also ok with powerscrolls only coming from bods but only if account limit is added.


The automation point is fair, I can agree that it'd be way easier to automate with the menu.

People are going to freak over this change - and it'll cause people to throw fits about the unfair treatment and how people that have been collecting BODs for years now have an advantage to getting the super cool stuff. It will die down, though. The people will adjust, and they'll realize that it's for the betterment of the server.


Honestly I would make the rewards completely random but weighted by material. That would reward the bod filling instead of the collecting.


Eppy a good idea is to remove ciclic some hue and add othwrs.. Maybe with a list and with a script that can make it random.. So a removed hue can come back random..or maybe not


Honestly I would make the rewards completely random but weighted by material. That would reward the bod filling instead of the collecting.

I like this idea. It gives value to ALL BODs out there, not just the "high end" ones. There'll be stories of people pulling Val hammers fromiron BODs (one in a million) and on the opposite side of the spectrum there'll be people pulling pooptown from Large Verites. I like the randomness element with a weight - kind of like the NHL/NBA draft. Adding more unique rewards to create a wide range of possibilities will be important, though.

This made me just think though, would it be a different scale with Large and Small BODs? So a hierarchy like Small Iron - Small Dull Copper - Large Iron - Small Shadow - Large Dull Copper, etc? Otherwise there would need to be a new role for Large BODs to fill (PUN INTENDED HEHE)