Beware of player named Nosferanu

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I saw him in the orc cave brutes a couple days ago when I was mining. Can confirm he's completely toxic.

I recalled in and there were piles of shadow ore everywhere. People often drop them for miners so I picked a few up. He runs over saying "mine", hurled some expletives and attacked, calling me a thief. I came back and his archer bot attacked me, so I gave it a count for being a jerk. Meta tamer ressed me so he started giving them grief; tamer told him I was blue so get bent. Four orcs appeared and killed me--as they do which is fine, they didn't loot--but he claimed he had called them in (they didn't attacked him so probably). His bot attacked me again so I killed it and took the arrows. He attacked me so I just left to go somewhere else.


The Server's BFF Nos saying some inappropriate words to me after looting his sword.
It has some spelling issues obviously but the msg is clear



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Please do not discuss other players real life issues. That includes speculating about someone's mental illness. You may continue your discussion, but please keep your post relevant to what happens in game.
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