Best poker player in all sosaria online for 1 more hour.


Have you ever played in the WSOP main event?
How about any of the HPT or WPT tourneys?
You sure you want to say that you're "The Best"?
And don't bother puffing up and challenging me....I've seen the buy-in price (at least in W. Brit) and I'm just to poor to bother....For now


Dunno. Only played at the 25k tables and I am new to the server. I posted this in at 5am today hoping to get some players to come play before I went to bed. I am by far the best poker player in the world...I thought most ppl would see this for what it was, and come play, with me most likely losing, but apparently I offended some people for which I apologize for stating, as a joke, I was the best. This is all I will post on this topic. Good day all.


You stirred the pot and got a rise outta 1 person. Calm down man :) I think UOUOMike was just looking to know who to go beat. If you think this is bad, you should check out the PvP forums, they can get rough. :)


Im good, and yes I miss all the personal attacks from back when I played UO on EAs servers. Mostly in thief, pk, pvp forums on Stratics. ;) Looking forward to one day get my skills back to have the honor of being red again. And one day being the best poker player IN THE WORLD. lol ..ehhh...back to training my future red.
I already hate your guts for getting those millions out of an IDOC on your first couple of weeks on the server...



lol...well if it makes you feel better i was camping another IDOC and i went to pee and came back and it fell while I was in the bathroom. All loot gone. IDOCs have always been what I did (do) when I'm bored, got lucky on that one house no one knew about with the ignots, either a script miner or very dedicated....

but i have a runebook with another 5 or 10 waiting to fall ;)


Have you ever played in the WSOP main event?
How about any of the HPT or WPT tourneys?
You sure you want to say that you're "The Best"?
And don't bother puffing up and challenging me....I've seen the buy-in price (at least in W. Brit) and I'm just to poor to bother....For now

Right? I'd love to play but I am not playing for that kinda gold. Some of us are not rich lol


All this talk of gambling.. You do realise that eventually, someone in here will be selling their kidneys just to have one last look at someones cards...

Evil I tell ya.. Evil..