Battle well at Britian Crafting Guild

Lady Macbeth

I wouldn't mind to change my slayer crafting scripts to dump non slayer to the well to help start CTF as often as we can if we have a well at Britian Crafting Guild.

Just a thought :)

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Alright I just shitpost this stream of consciousness style and it's a mess so apologies but I'm not rearranging it and cutting redundancies so sorry in advanve.

I think that kinda cheapens the events a bit. I mean I'm all for more events but I'd rather see them popped off manually by staff more often instead of them being almost like clockwork.

The battle well is not filled nearly often enough though, I will admit. I have proposed a different suggestion though, adding other events instead of just CTF and changing the amount needed to start accordingly. But that's getting away from the point.

I know the CG isn't staffed 24/7, and I know the kinda of junk donated to the well will only net tens of points at a time but as an experiment I think id like to actually see just how much goes through that trash barrel. @Adam is there any way we could put a ticker on it just for kicks. I bet it's a pretty huge number.

Maybe we could just get something of a schedule going for events? With randomized windows or something?

I don't mean to sound like I'm bashing because like I said we have it in our power to start a CTF basically on command if we want to and we don't that often, but I do wish staff would pop off more events. They said they would and they have, it has gotten better but there's still room for improvement IMO.

Events are fun. And they aren't like the long duration events that pull people away from "regular" server activity for any real length of time MOAR EVENTS PLOX

I'm gonna do a thread someday so I don't end up hijacking someone else's again...

Oh and a big P.s. if you really like CTF take my advice:

Save. Your. Instruments.

I cannot stress this enough. If a monster drops an instrument, it's a slayer guaranteed (well not if it looted a crafted/purchased one from a player I guess but come on, those odds are slim chief you're reaching a bit)

Slayer anything is worth 5000 pts in the battle well.

Lock down and fill a bag full of instruments and junk silver weapons and you have yourself a CTF. Actually more than that because of the weapon modifiers.

CTF all by yourself, good job you did it!

Lady Macbeth

Interesting. Ever since I have 120 provo, I have stopped looting musical instruments from mobs. I may start doing it if I have enough room :)

Good tips. Thanks

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