Backpack help


New Member
Hello im new here and I have a problem with my UI. The items in my backpack and the backpack itself are extremely small and hard to see let alone click on. Like the dagger is almost pixel perfect I cant manage to click on it. Anyway is there any way to increase the size? I cant manage to get a good resolution that will work. I know how to Change the game screen no problem its just the UI thats tiny. Thanks in advance.


New Member
Welcome to UO mate, thats how the game is.

However dont double click your dagger, make a macro that says '[doubleclick dagger'. Assign it somewhere then you just push your button and the target will come up. This becomes useful if your backpack becomes cluttered and something lands on top of it.

You can find out the type of an item by typing '[gettype' into the game chat, and click on the item. When you know the name just type it in as [doubleclick <name>.

Hope this helps a bit!


New Member
Yeah I figured as much and I'm already getting used to it. The hot keys make it significantly easier ha thanks for the help!