auto recall anti pk makro

De Medici

Hi everybody, due the fact that I seem to be to slow to recall away when pk hits up the venue, I'am wondering if it would be possible to auto recall when a pk comes close to me.

My idea is to loop get target closest murderer humanoid, and when this stuff is activated, play the auto escape recall.

Is there a possibility that steam can notice a red last target.



i dont see how u cant recall put up protection and recall even if they do hit you chances are u gonna get that recall off.
also think about your positioning so you can see them coming first before they have a clear LOS on you.

i dont think its posible anyway w/o using some extra scripting program like easyUO since journal reading on steam is blocked.


Hi everybody, due the fact that I seem to be to slow to recall away when pk hits up the venue, I'am wondering if it would be possible to auto recall when a pk comes close to me.

My idea is to loop get target closest murderer humanoid, and when this stuff is activated, play the auto escape recall.

Is there a possibility that steam can notice a red last target.

This was posted by drinn in the thread that you made the other day.....

@Getenemy 'murderer'
if @findobject 'enemy'
// Recall to home
useobject 0x4038856b
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 35


This was posted by drinn in the thread that you made the other day.....

@Getenemy 'murderer'
if @findobject 'enemy'
// Recall to home
useobject 0x4038856b
waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000
replygump 0x554b87f3 35
Just one note on this. While it sounds cool, it will also recall at the sight of a red NPC... just keep that in mind when in dungeons.

Young Star

You'd have to constantly keep turning it on after any other macro is used or add "playmacro 'xyz'" at the end to go back to your looping recall macro.

I' ve tried chaining several macros together using "playmacro" when doing something complex using several simple scripts. It is sometimes easier then trying to figure out structuring all the if, else, ifnot, etc.

De Medici

@Getenemy 'murderer'

if @findobject 'enemy'

// Recall to home

useobject 0x406afe4f

waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000

replygump 0x554b87f3 5

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'

pause 50

msg 'all follow me'


I am Using this now. The prob is that it recalls home if mobs are coming because he finds the object enemy...

Smokey McCallum

You need to set the alias to something different than enemy. Also recalling the way it is in the script is not the most reliable because if disturbed you need to wait for the runebook cool down. A much more reliable way is to cast recall then target an escape runebook with the default location set to your safe spot.


Journal reading on steam is blocked? My auto pouch script still works with journal reading

Rule: Players may not use any automation scripts while pvping or in any game setting. This includes; Potion throwing, auto potion usage, auto trap pouch usage and more.... No automation will be tolerated!
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Just record a macro with you recalling and assign it to a well memorized hotkey. People will still run up on you before you can use it on occasion, but so far it seems to be doing the trick.

De Medici

Is there any solution for that script. I need either clear enemy command everytime before i insert murderer as enemy or a different alias. Using enemy as alias doesnt work, because it auto inserts mobs im fighting so the objectenemy will be found and it executes the recall. Any Crack outthere? Thx in advance.

De Medici

The prob is that objectenemy is not a list. I can try to insert something in a list when it finds object enemy due the fact that lists can be cleard