Asshat alert

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic

We're looking into this. I rushed to forums upset and 100 percent sure who it was. Now I may have some doubts but we are investigating and thank you for everyone's support.
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Asshat huh :) or Assclown oldest griefing immature technique in the book. People use to do this in hope of selling and making money of some sort. These days.. doing trash like this gets you what? Just hatred.


Its only gear we keep to one side to help younger players/members but as Skye says dont give this kid a chance he comes across real friendly and eager but is just a *.

dont fall for it


shit happens its nothing we cant replace with ease. we just dont want anyone else getting stung by same kid.


It is amazing. It is amazingly sad that people piss their time away to grief others. Even sadder when they abuse the trust of others. And even sadder yet when they do it for a pittance. I hope the effort was truly worth it, that guy must have been ridiculously poor and not at all good at UO to be so hard up.

Jax Monroe

I think I found him. He sure looks like an asshat if I've ever seen one!



The guy swear blind it wasnt him after i town/g8 killed him a few times when he was macroing but he left a book written by him in the chest saying " thanks for the donations".

kinda funny book gotta give him that.......