ask the moderators to create a Russian subforum !!!


I beg to create subforum for Russian and Russian citizens of the former Soviet Union. Not everyone understands English and that causes problems among the players. Creating a Russian sub-forums will help raise the online server as Russian will exchange where the word and ask for advice.

P / s help please create Russian subforum



not sure about current figures, but I'd also suggest a turkish, korean, japanese and portugese sub-forum (since those are the people who mainly play this game besides the US/EU)


where the reaction moderators? Subforums why there is still no?

I do not understand you Moderators...

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
We have people who play all over the world. We'd have to create subforums for each country and without being able to moderate it that could cause some issues. However, it is being looked into by the dev team and I am sure they will give you a final answer when they are able. Currently they are busy on completing the expansion as you know.


not necessarily for each country, make at least a Russian subforum. As you know a lot of people speak in Russian ...


I'm sorry but this is asking for A LOT when you really think about it. You would have to create a large number of sub forums and you would need mods for each of those forums. Currently there is 2 main forums mods so you could be increasing the staff requirements dramatically. I would rather see any staff increase go directly to the game.

What I would recommend is starting a Russian pm inviting all known Russians where you could freely discuss anything. You would need to ask staff to raise the pm limit up from 5 for this to work but it would allow people to communicate in their native tongue without requiring extra staff.