Dec 26, 2019 #1 Skye Wolfbane Governor of Trinsic Archway Dye, Hue 1282. Could be one of a kind. There's no history of sales here or at auction. Starting bid is 4M. 100k increments B/O 7M This will go for about 48 hours. (noonish on Saturday) And go...
Archway Dye, Hue 1282. Could be one of a kind. There's no history of sales here or at auction. Starting bid is 4M. 100k increments B/O 7M This will go for about 48 hours. (noonish on Saturday) And go...
Dec 26, 2019 #2 M Matsamilla Novice I believe Akur has the first blue one, which was sold originally in an auction with the other rare colors (like pink I think?).
I believe Akur has the first blue one, which was sold originally in an auction with the other rare colors (like pink I think?).
Dec 26, 2019 #3 Skye Wolfbane Governor of Trinsic I'm fairly sure his was Hue 1265, which is blue. This is a slightly different hue.