WTS Animal Taming ss for 400k !


Prices have dropped about 100k in a week... My offer stands if you want to sell in the next day or two, otherwise I will wait a bit longer and pay original pre-December prices of 225-250k.

I fully understand if you don't want to sell after seeing the price spike over the past 2 weeks. I'm simply predicting a market trend and offering what I believe to be the mid way mark so both the buyer and the seller don't feel ripped off in two weeks time when the market deflates.

The reason I see the market deflating in the near future is two-fold.

Firstly, the 3 rich players who were driving the market up now have all the scrolls they need. I think they each bough 40 scrolls... That's 120 over the course of 2 weeks. You can understand the price spike when supply dwindles that low and they have deep enough pockets to keep up with outbidding each other. Without them competing in the market, the supply will outpace the demand and prices will settle.

The other reason I see them lowering more is due to the announcement of meta dexxers. With a second viable end game spec, many people will look into meta dexxing due to the relatively low time it takes to gm those required skills when compared to taming and the zero cost associated with it.

It is because of those reasons that I am anticipating prices to plummet, possibly even lower than the original market price of 225-250k.

Hit me up if you change your mind.