Or maybe even make them free on test server so people can go mess with things like layering deeds and different items with their outfits to see if its what they really want to commit their hard earned money to, eh?
Same - actually brought me to creating this thread haha. TC isn't updated enough for me to ever have the dono in my bank when i need to test something, or never enough+10000
wasted like 10k dono on wrong layering deeds for a couple outfits lol
Hmm aye - 1 vendor to rule them all, and 1gp instead of dono would be much smarterTest is just a copy of the main and require them to adjust prices every time it is rebooted. I would suggest create an npc that sells gold, silver, donation coin, all power scrolls, all skill scrolls, all maxed pets and talismans for 1gp each. That way staff can just place the npc whenever test is started and players can actually test everything.